首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Urological Association Journal >Evaluation of an enhanced recovery protocol on patients having radical cystectomy for bladder cancer

Evaluation of an enhanced recovery protocol on patients having radical cystectomy for bladder cancer




Introduction Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are multimodal perioperative care protocols that are designed to shorten recovery time and reduce complication rates. 1 , 2 An ERAS protocol was implemented in the Saskatoon Health region for radical cystectomy patients in 2013. This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of the protocol for patients having radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. Methods Length of stay (LOS), early in-hospital complication rates, 30-day readmission rates, age, and gender were collected for patients seen for bladder cancer requiring radical cystectomy in Saskatoon between January 2007 and December 2016. Of these patients, 176 were pre-ERAS implementation (control group) and 84 were post-ERAS implementation (experimental group). The data from each variable was compared between the groups using a Z-test. Results There was no significant difference in age or gender of patients between the groups. Average LOS pre-ERAS was 14.25±14.57 days, which is significantly longer than the post-ERAS average of 10.91±8.56 days (p=0.043). There was no significant difference in 30-day readmission rate (19.87% pre-ERAS vs. 19.05% post-ERAS; p=0.873) or complication rate (51.7% pre-ERAS vs. 46.4% post-ERAS; p=0.425). Conclusions The implementation of an ERAS protocol for radical cystectomy reduces LOS, with no effect on early complication rates or 30-day readmission rates. This indicates that the protocol is safe for patients when compared to previous practices and is an effective means of reducing LOS.
机译:简介增强的术后恢复(ERAS)方案是多模式围手术期护理方案,旨在缩短恢复时间并降低并发症发生率。 [1,2] 2013年,萨斯卡通卫生区为根治性膀胱切除术患者实施了ERAS协议。这项研究评估了针对膀胱癌根治性膀胱切除术患者的安全性和有效性。方法收集2007年1月至2016年12月间在萨斯卡通接受根治性膀胱切除术的膀胱癌患者的住院时间(LOS),早期院内并发症发生率,30天再入院率,年龄和性别。其中176例分别是ERAS实施前(对照组)和84 ERAS实施后(实验组)。使用Z检验比较各组中每个变量的数据。结果两组患者的年龄或性别无明显差异。 ERAS之前的平均LOS为14.25±14.57天,明显长于ERAS之后的10.91±8.56天(p = 0.043)。 30天再入院率(ERAS前为19.8%,ERAS后为19.05%; p = 0.873)或并发症发生率(ERAS前为51.7%,ERAS后为46.4%; p = 0.425)无显着差异。 。结论实施ERAS方案进行根治性膀胱切除术可降低LOS,而对早期并发症发生率或30天再入院率没有影响。这表明与以前的做法相比,该协议对患者而言是安全的,并且是降低LOS的有效手段。



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