首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Urological Association Journal >Antegrade balloon occlusion of inferior vena cava during thrombectomy for renal cell carcinoma

Antegrade balloon occlusion of inferior vena cava during thrombectomy for renal cell carcinoma




Nephrectomy with inferior vena cava (IVC) thrombectomy for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a challenging and morbid surgical case. We describe the use of a simple endoluminal technique to occlude the suprahepatic IVC during thrombectomy. A 60-year-old male presented with a large right-sided RCC and IVC tumour thrombus. The tip of the thrombus, which was non-adherent to the caval wall, extended to the level of the hepatic veins. After complete dissection of the kidney, we obtained suprahepatic control of the IVC by a large compliant balloon, introduced through the right internal jugular vein and inflated just below the level of the diaphragm. The IVC thrombectomy was performed in a bloodless field. Mean blood pressure remained stable during IVC balloon inflation with a total occlusion time of 10 minutes. Intraprocedural completion cavogram and postoperative Doppler ultrasonography showed no residual IVC clot. Blood loss during the thrombectomy portion of the case was scant. The patient’s postoperative course was uncomplicated and, at the last follow-up, he had stable metastatic disease on sunitinib therapy. For the surgical treatment of RCC with retrohepatic IVC tumour extension, transjugular balloon occlusion of the suprahepatic IVC offers an alternative to extensive hepatic mobilization to obtain suprahepatic thrombus control. Advantages over traditional surgical methods may include decreased surgical time, lower risk of liver injury and tumour embolism. We suggest this method for further evaluation.
机译:肾切除术与下腔静脉血栓切除术治疗晚期肾细胞癌(RCC)是具有挑战性和病态的外科手术案例。我们描述了在血栓切除术中使用简单的腔内技术来闭塞肝上静脉。一名60岁男性,右侧大RCC和IVC肿瘤血栓。不粘附于腔壁的血栓尖端延伸至肝静脉水平。肾脏完全解剖后,我们通过一个大的顺应性球囊获得了IVC的肝切除控制,该球囊通过右颈内静脉引入并在just肌水平以下膨胀。 IVC血栓切除术在无血场中进行。在IVC球囊充气期间,平均血压保持稳定,总闭塞时间为10分钟。术中完成腔静脉造影和术后多普勒超声检查均未发现残留的IVC凝块。在病例的血栓切除部​​分期间失血很少。该患者的术后过程并不复杂,在最后一次随访中,他在舒尼替尼治疗后患有稳定的转移性疾病。对于具有肝后IVC肿瘤扩展的RCC的外科治疗,肝上静脉IVC的经颈静脉球囊闭塞术是广泛肝动员以获得肝上血栓控制的替代方法。与传统手术方法相比,优点可能包括减少手术时间,降低肝损伤和肿瘤栓塞的风险。我们建议使用此方法进行进一步评估。



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