首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Prevalencia de los trastornos del sue?o en el adulto mayor

Prevalencia de los trastornos del sue?o en el adulto mayor




This study was performed with senior citizens in Greater Metropolitan Guadalajara, Mexico, who live in private homes, alone, or with family. Of these, 58% of men and 76% of women showed at least one symptom of sleep disorder according to the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire, while 8.5% were positive for all survey items. According to DSM IV criteria, 33.3% could be considered "cases" of sleep disorder, and none were under any type of treatment at the time of the study. These possible cases were apparently associated with gender and educational level, but not with marital status or age. In addition, no strong association was detected with the presence of depression, established according to Brink's Geriatric Depression Scale. Given the large amount of "possible cases" found that had not been previously detected and were not in any type of ad hoc treatment, we recommend promoting updated educational courses on this topic for health professionals (mainly doctors and nurses) in such a way as to facilitate timely case detection and thus increase and improve the accessibility of mental health services for the elderly population, increasing health education activities for this age group, their caregivers, and the general population.
机译:这项研究是针对墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉大都市地区的老年人进行的,这些老年人单独或与家人一起居住在私人住宅中。根据戈德堡综合健康问卷,其中58%的男性和76%的女性至少表现出一种睡眠障碍症状,而所有调查项目的阳性率为8.5%。根据DSM IV标准,可以将33.3%的人认为是睡眠障碍的“病例”,在研究之时,没有人接受任何类型的治疗。这些可能的病例显然与性别和教育程度有关,但与婚姻状况或年龄无关。此外,根据布林克的老年抑郁量表,未发现与抑郁症存在强相关性。鉴于之前发现的大量“可能病例”没有被发现并且没有进行任何特殊治疗,因此我们建议通过以下方式为卫生专业人员(主要是医生和护士)推广有关该主题的最新教育课程:促进及时发现病例,从而增加和改善老年人口的精神卫生服务,增加针对该年龄段,其照料者和普通人群的健康教育活动。



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