首页> 外文期刊>BMC Psychiatry >A systematic review of evidence for fitness-to-drive among people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder

A systematic review of evidence for fitness-to-drive among people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder




Background Limited evidence exists regarding fitness-to-drive for people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder (herein simply referred to as ‘mental health conditions’). The aim of this paper was to systematically search and classify all published studies regarding driving for this population, and then critically appraise papers addressing assessment of fitness-to-drive where the focus was not on the impact of medication on driving. Methods A systematic search of three databases (CINAHL, PSYCHINFO, EMBASE) was completed from inception to May 2016 to identify all articles on driving and mental health conditions. Papers meeting the eligibility criteria of including data relating to assessment of fitness-to-drive were critically appraised using the American Academy of Neurology and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine protocols. Results A total of 58 articles met the inclusion criteria of driving among people with mental health conditions studied, and of these, 16 contained data and an explicit focus on assessment of fitness-to-drive. Assessment of fitness-to-drive was reported in three ways: 1) factors impacting on the ability to drive safely among people with mental health conditions, 2) capability and perception of health professionals assessing fitness-to-drive of people with mental health conditions, and 3) crash rates. The level of evidence of the published studies was low due to the absence of controls, and the inability to pool data from different diagnostic groups. Evidence supporting fitness-to-drive is conflicting. Conclusions There is a relatively small literature in the area of driving with mental health conditions, and the overall quality of studies examining fitness-to-drive is low. Large-scale longitudinal studies with age-matched controls are urgently needed in order to determine the effects of different conditions on fitness-to-drive.
机译:背景技术关于患有精神分裂症,压力/焦虑症,抑郁,人格障碍和强迫症(以下简称“精神健康状况”)的精神健康状况的人,适合驾驶的证据有限。本文的目的是系统地搜索和分类有关该人群的所有已发表的研究,然后对评估适合驾驶的论文进行严格评估,而这些研究的重点不是药物对驾驶的影响。方法从开始到2016年5月,已完成对三个数据库(CINAHL,PSYCHINFO,EMBASE)的系统搜索,以识别所有有关驾驶和心理健康状况的文章。使用美国神经病学会和循证医学中心的方案对符合资格标准的论文进行了严格评估,这些论文包括与驾驶适应性评估有关的数据。结果共有58篇文章符合在研究的精神健康人群中驾驶的纳入标准,其中16篇包含了数据,并且明确关注了对驾驶健康的评估。以三种方式报告了对驾驶健康的评估:1)影响精神健康患者中安全驾驶能力的因素; 2)评估精神健康患者健康驾驶能力的健康专业人员的能力和看法,以及3)崩溃率。由于缺乏对照以及无法汇总不同诊断组的数据,已发表研究的证据水平较低。支持驾驶健康的证据相互矛盾。结论精神健康状况驾驶方面的文献相对较少,检查驾驶适应性的整体研究质量较低。为了确定不同条件对驾驶适应性的影响,迫切需要使用年龄匹配的对照进行大型纵向研究。



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