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Incorporating one health into medical education




One Health is an emerging concept that stresses the linkages between human, animal, and environmental health, as well as the need for interdisciplinary communication and collaboration to address health issues including emerging zoonotic diseases, climate change impacts, and the human-animal bond. It promotes complex problem solving using a systems framework that considers interactions between humans, animals, and their shared environment. While many medical educators may not yet be familiar with the concept, the One Health approach has been endorsed by a number of major medical and public health organizations and is beginning to be implemented in a number of medical schools. In the research setting, One Health opens up new avenues to understand, detect, and prevent emerging infectious diseases, and also to conduct translational studies across species. In the clinical setting, One Health provides practical ways to incorporate environmental and animal contact considerations into patient care. This paper reviews clinical and research aspects of the One Health approach through an illustrative case updating the biopsychosocial model and proposes a basic set of One Health competencies for training and education of human health care providers.
机译:“一个健康”是一个新兴的概念,强调人,动物和环境健康之间的联系,以及跨学科交流与合作的需要,以解决包括新出现的人畜共患疾病,气候变化影响和人类与动物之间的关系在内的健康问题。它使用考虑了人,动物及其共享环境之间的相互作用的系统框架来促进复杂的问题解决。尽管许多医学教育者可能还不熟悉这个概念,但“一生”方法已得到许多主要医学和公共卫生组织的认可,并已开始在许多医学院中实施。在研究环境中,One Health开辟了新途径,以了解,发现和预防新兴的传染病,并进行跨物种的转化研究。在临床环境中,One Health提供了将环境和动物接触因素纳入患者护理的实用方法。本文通过更新生物心理社会模型的说明性案例,回顾了“单一健康”方法的临床和研究方面,并提出了一套基本的“单一健康”能力以培训和教育人类卫生保健提供者。



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