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Does individual learning styles influence the choice to use a web-based ECG learning programme in a blended learning setting?




Background The compressed curriculum in modern knowledge-intensive medicine demands useful tools to achieve approved learning aims in a limited space of time. Web-based learning can be used in different ways to enhance learning. Little is however known regarding its optimal utilisation. Our aim was to investigate if the individual learning styles of medical students influence the choice to use a web-based ECG learning programme in a blended learning setting. Methods The programme, with three types of modules (learning content, self-assessment questions and interactive ECG interpretation training), was offered on a voluntary basis during a face to face ECG learning course for undergraduate medical students. The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) and a general questionnaire including questions about computer and Internet usage, preferred future speciality and prior experience of E-learning were used to explore different factors related to the choice of using the programme or not. Results 93 (76%) out of 123 students answered the ILS instrument and 91 the general questionnaire. 55 students (59%) were defined as users of the web-based ECG-interpretation programme. Cronbach's alpha was analysed with coefficients above 0.7 in all of the four dimensions of ILS. There were no significant differences with regard to learning styles, as assessed by ILS, between the user and non-user groups; Active/Reflective; Visual/Verbal; Sensing/Intuitive; and Sequential/Global (p = 0.56-0.96). Neither did gender, prior experience of E-learning or preference for future speciality differ between groups. Conclusion Among medical students, neither learning styles according to ILS, nor a number of other characteristics seem to influence the choice to use a web-based ECG programme. This finding was consistent also when the usage of the different modules in the programme were considered. Thus, the findings suggest that web-based learning may attract a broad variety of medical students.
机译:背景技术现代知识密集型医学课程的压缩要求在有限的时间范围内实现批准的学习目标的有用工具。基于网络的学习可以以不同的方式用于增强学习。然而,对其最佳利用知之甚少。我们的目的是调查医学生的个人学习方式是否会影响在混合学习环境中使用基于Web的ECG学习计划的选择。方法该课程分为三类模块(学习内容,自我评估问题和交互式心电图解释培训),是在面向医学生的面对面心电图学习课程中自愿提供的。学习风格指数(ILS)和一般问卷包括有关计算机和Internet使用,首选的未来专业以及电子学习的先前经验等问题,用于探索与是否使用该程序有关的不同因素。结果在123名学生中,有93名(76%)回答了ILS仪器问题,而在普通问卷中有91名回答了问题。 55名学生(占59%)被定义为基于网络的ECG口译计划的用户。在ILS的所有四个维度中,使用大于0.7的系数分析了Cronbach's alpha。 ILS评估的用户和非用户组在学习风格方面没有显着差异;主动/反射;视觉/言语;感知/直观;和顺序/全局(p = 0.56-0.96)。两组之间的性别,先前的在线学习经验或对未来专业的偏爱都没有差异。结论在医学生中,ILS的学习方式或其他许多特征似乎都不会影响使用基于Web的ECG程序的选择。当考虑程序中不同模块的用法时,这一发现也是一致的。因此,研究结果表明基于网络的学习可能吸引各种各样的医学生。



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