首页> 外文期刊>Composite Structures >Delaminaiton behavior of spliced Fiber Metal Laminates. Part 2. Numerical investigation

Delaminaiton behavior of spliced Fiber Metal Laminates. Part 2. Numerical investigation


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A strategy is presented for he simulation of delimitation in Fiber Metal Laminates. These composite materials are made of aluminum layers which are connected by either armada or glass fiber reinforced prepare layers. They are modeled using solid-like shell elements in the three-dimensioanl case and plane stress elements of the two-dimensional calculations. Plasticity in the aluminum is modeled with the von Misses yield criterion. Delimitation is modeled by interface elements which are inserted into the FE-mesh at the interface between material layers. For the description of the delimitation in the interface a plasticity based material model is considered. It is derived from a Hoffman-like yield function which bounds all states of stress in the interface. When the state of stress in a material point of the interface reaches the yield surface softening occurs. Then, the stresses are reduced to zero while the inelastic deformations grow significantly. To describe the initialization of mixed-mode delaminating the strengths of the interface for tension, compression and the two shear components are utilized. The growth of the delimitation is controlled by the fracture toughness of the interface. In the limiting cases when the energy dissipated by the inelastic deformations equals the fracture toughness delimitation is completed. For a peel specimen the perform ce of the model is assessed. However, the focus of the paper lies in the comparison of the numerical results with the experimental finding described in Part 1. Hereby, the impact of the fiber orientation in the prepare and
机译:提出了一种用于模拟纤维金属层压板定界的策略。这些复合材料由铝层制成,铝层通过舰队或玻璃纤维增​​强的预备层连接。它们是在三维情况下使用类固体壳体元素和二维计算中的平面应力元素建模的。铝的可塑性用von Misses屈服准则建模。通过在材料层之间的界面处插入FE网格的界面元素对边界进行建模。为了描述界面中的划界,考虑了基于可塑性的材料模型。它是从霍夫曼式屈服函数派生而来的,该函数限制了界面中的所有应力状态。当界面的实质点的应力状态达到屈服时,就会发生表面软化。然后,应力减小到零,同时非弹性变形显着增长。为了描述混合模式分层的初始化,利用了张力,压缩和两个剪切分量的界面强度。边界的增长由界面的断裂韧性控制。在极限情况下,非弹性变形所耗散的能量等于断裂韧性的界限。对于果皮样品,评估模型的性能。但是,本文的重点在于将数值结果与第1部分中描述的实验结果进行比较。因此,纤维取向对制备和制备过程的影响。



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