首页> 外文期刊>College & undergraduate libraries >A Library Compliance Strategy for Regional Accreditation Standards: Using ACRL Higher Education Standards with NEASC Standards

A Library Compliance Strategy for Regional Accreditation Standards: Using ACRL Higher Education Standards with NEASC Standards


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The Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) standards places less emphasis on quantifiable and arbitrary inputs and more emphasis on institutional effectiveness and assessment of student learning. NEASC includes the library throughout the standards and also has a long section specifically for the library. The authors advocate use of the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Standards for Libraries in Higher Education alongside the NEASC standards to ensure a focus on outcomes and assessment of libraries in the context of other areas of the institution. An effective strategy for streamlining the assessment of library resources and services is provided.
机译:新英格兰学校与学院协会(NEASC)的高等教育机构委员会(CIHE)的标准较少强调可量化和任意输入,而更多地强调了机构效力和对学生学习的评估。 NEASC在整个标准中都包括该库,并且还有专门针对该库的较长部分。作者主张将高等教育图书馆ACRL(大学和研究图书馆协会)标准与NEASC标准一起使用,以确保在机构其他领域的重点是图书馆的成果和评估。提供了一种简化图书馆资源和服务评估的有效策略。



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