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Bush and Kerry: A Tale Of Two Economies


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Amid the cascade of disturbing images of death and torment in Iraq, Senator John Kerry's scheduled May 7 speech to a centrist Democratic Leadership Council gathering in Phoenix was unlikely to make big news. The Democratic standard-bearer was set to reiterate his call for a new "Contract with America's Middle Class," the latest in his increasingly urgent attempts to sidestep the Bush campaign's depiction of him as a flip-flopping, tax-hike-loving liberal out of step with mainstream values. Still, whether or not voters are aware of Kerry's gambit, it's emblematic of an important development on the 2004 campaign trail. From buscapades through the industrial heartland to reams of position papers, the rival candidates are fleshing out opposing approaches to economic policy, from taxes to the role of government. To those paying attention, "the difference between the two is starker than any economic argument in recent history," says Grover G. Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, a tax-cut advocacy group.
机译:在伊拉克死亡和折磨的一连串令人不安的画面中,参议员约翰·克里(John Kerry)原定于5月7日在菲尼克斯举行的中间派民主党领袖委员会的演讲不大好消息。民主党的标准人物将再次呼吁建立新的“与美国中产阶级的契约”,这是他日益紧急的企图,以回避布什竞选活动将他描述为扑朔迷离,热衷于税收的自由主义者。与主流价值观同步。尽管如此,无论选民是否意识到克里的吸引力,它仍然象征着2004年竞选活动的重要进展。从头等大事到工业中心地带,再到大量立场书,竞争的候选人都在充实反对经济政策的方法,从税收到政府角色。对于那些关注的人士,“减税倡导组织美国税制改革组织总裁格罗弗•诺奎斯特(Grover G. Norquist)说:“两者之间的区别比最近的历史上的任何经济争论都明显。



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