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Do animals bite more during a full moon? Retrospective observational analysis.


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OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that the incidence of animal bites increases at the time of a full moon. DESIGN: Retrospective observational analysis. SETTING: Accident and emergency department at a general hospital in an English city. SUBJECTS: 1621 consecutive patients, irrespective of age and sex. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of patients who attended an accident and emergency department during 1997 to 1999 after being bitten by an animal. The number of bites in each day was compared with the lunar phase in each month. RESULTS: The incidence of animal bites rose significantly at the time of a full moon. With the period of the full moon as the reference period, the incidence rate ratio of the bites for all other periods of the lunar cycle was significantly lower (P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The full moon is associated with a significant increase in animal bites to humans.
机译:目的:验证一下满月时动物叮咬的发生率增加的假设。设计:回顾性观察分析。地点:英国城市一家综合医院的急诊科。受试者:1621名连续患者,不分年龄和性别。主要观察指标:1997年至1999年间被动物咬伤后到急诊室就诊的患者数量。将每天的叮咬次数与每月的月相进行比较。结果:满月时动物叮咬的发生率显着上升。以满月为基准,月球周期所有其他时期的叮咬发生率明显较低(P <0.001)。结论:满月与动物对人类的叮咬显着增加有关。



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