首页> 外文期刊>Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on >Unrelated Parallel Machine Selection and Job Scheduling With the Objective of Minimizing Total Workload and Machine Fixed Costs

Unrelated Parallel Machine Selection and Job Scheduling With the Objective of Minimizing Total Workload and Machine Fixed Costs


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This paper is concerned with scheduling of a set of n single-operation tasks/orders on a set of m unrelated parallel machines where subcontracting is allowed. When a machine/subcontractor is chosen to do a set of orders/tasks, it incurs a one-time fixed cost. When a job/order is performed by a machine/subcontractor, there is a cost that depends on the machine/subcontractor. The objective is to choose a subset of k machines and/or subcontractors from the set of all m available machines and/or subcontractors to perform all jobs to minimize the sum of total workload costs and total fixed costs. We discuss the complexity of the problem, and prove NP-hardness of the problem. Simplified mathematical development is provided that allows efficient implementation of two-exchange algorithms. An efficient tabu search heuristic with a diversification generation component is developed. An extensive computational experiment of the heuristic for large-scale problems with comparison to the results from CPLEX software is presented. We also solved 40 benchmark k-median problems available on the Internet that have been used by many researchers.



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