首页> 外文期刊>Australian Psychologist >Development of the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale

Development of the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale


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The present study describes the development of an instrument to assess the multicultural competencies of mental health professionals in Australia. The scale was developed to assess the effectiveness of a multicultural mental health training program. Mental health professionals from Queensland, Australia (N = 268) participated in the study by completing a questionnaire battery. Items on the new scale were generated to parallel the Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre (QTMHC) training program's objectives. The results describe a 35-item Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale. Factor analysis of the scale indicated three factors of multicultural counselling competencies: Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills. These factors were in line with the Sue et al. (1982) multicultural counselling competencies. The scale has satisfactory internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the multicultural competency training programs in mental health.
机译:本研究描述了一种评估澳大利亚精神卫生专业人员的多元文化能力的工具的发展。该量表的制定是为了评估一项多元文化心理健康培训计划的有效性。来自澳大利亚昆士兰州的心理健康专业人员(N = 268)通过填写问卷调查表参加了该研究。产生了与昆士兰州跨文化心理健康中心(QTMHC)培训计划目标平行的新项目。结果描述了一个35个项目的多元文化心理健康意识量表。量表的因素分析表明了多元文化咨询能力的三个因素:意识,知识和技能。这些因素与Sue等人的观点一致。 (1982)多元文化咨询能力。该量表具有令人满意的内部一致性,重测信度,并发效度和判别效度,可用于评估多元文化能力训练计划在心理健康方面的有效性。



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