
The Battle for Broadband


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Telecom service providers are very well positioned to offer a superior broadband offering to end consumers. Depending on the service market, however, there are a number of different strategies service providers can employ to become successful. While developing a successful DSL offering is important in the short term, it is also important in the long term. In the short term, DSL strategy is about finding new revenue streams to spur the next phase of growth in telecom. In the long term, DSL teaches service providers valuable lessons about new emerging business models and services that shift focus from individual products to wider service portfolios and the economics around them. Based on the raw score of the diagnostic self-assessment in Figure 9, service providers can gain a high-level view as to which parts of their overall DSL strategy need focus and priori tization. IBM's telecom industry consultants can leverage their in-depth industry knowledge to work with service providers to create a robust, custom strategy for service providers making the push toward IP-based service delivery. To explore how our industry consultants can help, contact us at iibv@us.ibm.com.
机译:电信服务提供商处于非常有利的位置,可以为最终用户提供卓越的宽带服务。但是,根据服务市场的不同,服务提供商可以采用多种不同的策略来取得成功。虽然开发成功的DSL产品在短期内很重要,但从长远来看也很重要。在短期内,DSL策略是寻找新的收入来源以刺激电信的下一阶段的增长。从长远来看,DSL可以为服务提供商提供有关新的新兴商业模式和服务的宝贵经验,这些商业模式和服务将重点从单个产品转移到更广泛的服务组合及其周围的经济学上。根据图9中诊断自我评估的原始分数,服务提供商可以从总体上了解其整体DSL策略的哪些部分需要重点关注和优先排序。 IBM的电信行业顾问可以利用他们的深入行业知识与服务提供商合作,为服务提供商创建可靠的定制策略,从而推动基于IP的服务交付。要探索我们的行业顾问可以如何提供帮助,请通过iibv@us.ibm.com与我们联系。



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