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A psychological perspective on economics


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My first exposure to the psychological assumptions of economics was in a report that Bruno Frey wrote on that subject in the early 1970's. Its first or second sentence stated that the agent of economic theory is rational and selfish, and that his tastes do not change. I found this list quite startling, because I had been professionally trained as a psychologist not to believe a word of it. The gap between the assumptions of our disciplines appeared very large indeed. Has the gap been narrowed in the intervening 30 years? A search through some introductory textbooks in economics indicates that if there has been any change, it has not yet filtered down to that level: the same assumptions are still in place as the cornerstones of economic analysis. However, a behavioral approach to economics has emerged in which the assumptions are not held sacrosanct. In the following I comment selectively on the developments with regard to the three assumptions, on both sides of the disciplinary divide.
机译:我第一次接触经济学的心理学假设是在布鲁诺·弗雷(Bruno Frey)在1970年代初写的关于该主题的报告中。它的第一句话或第二句话表明,经济理论的主体是理性的和自私的,并且他的品味没有改变。我发现这份名单令人吃惊,因为我曾接受过心理学专家的专业培训,不敢相信。我们各学科假设之间的差距确实确实很大。在随后的30年中,差距是否缩小了?对经济学入门书籍的搜索表明,如果发生了任何变化,它还没有过滤到这个水平:相同的假设仍然是经济分析的基石。但是,出现了一种经济学上的行为方法,其中的假设并不神圣不可侵犯。在下文中,我有选择性地评论了学科鸿沟两侧关于三个假设的发展。



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