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Estimating Collective Attention toward a Public Display


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Enticing groups of passers-by to focused interaction with a public display requires the display system to take appropriate action that depends on how much attention the group is already paying to the display. In the design of such a system, we might want to present the content so that it indicates that a part of the group that is looking head-on at the display has already been registered and is addressed individually, whereas it simultaneously emits a strong audio signal that makes the inattentive rest of the group turn toward it. The challenge here is to define and delimit adequate mixed attention states for groups of people, allowing for classifying collective attention based on inhomogeneous variants of individual attention, i.e., where some group members might be highly attentive, others even interacting with the public display, and some unper-ceptive. In this article, we present a model for estimating collective human attention toward a public display and investigate technical methods for practical implementation that employs measurement of physical expressive features of people appearing within the display's field of view (i.e., the basis for deriving a person's attention). We delineate strengths and weaknesses and prove the potentials of our model by experimentally exerting influence on the attention of groups of passers-by in a public gaming scenario.
机译:为了吸引路人到与公共显示器的集中交互,要求显示系统采取适当的措施,具体取决于该组已经对显示器给予了多大的关注。在这种系统的设计中,我们可能希望呈现内容,以使其表示正朝着显示屏看的小组的一部分已经注册并单独寻址,而同时发出强烈的音频使注意力不集中的人转向它的信号。这里的挑战是为人群定义和界定适当的混合注意力状态,从而允许基于个人注意力的不均匀变体对集体注意力进行分类,即,某些小组成员可能非常专心,而其他成员甚至与公众展示互动,以及有些不知觉。在本文中,我们提供了一个模型,用于估计人们对公共显示器的集体关注,并研究实际实施的技术方法,该方法采用对显示器视野内出现的人们的身体表现特征进行测量(即,引起人们注意的基础) )。我们描述了优点和缺点,并通过在公共游戏场景中通过实验性地影响路人群体的注意力来证明模型的潜力。



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