首页> 外文期刊>琉球大学農学部学術報告 >放牧牛の連続体温測定について



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This study was conducted to investigated the methods of continuous body temperature determination in grazing Japanese Black cattle. The relationships of body temperature with grazing behavior of cattle and also diurnal change in body temperature were analyzed. Seven Japanese Black cattle, 334 kg of average weight, were grazed on dominant pastue of Paspalum conjugatum Berg and Bidens Pilosa L.var. radiata Scherff. A cow 380 kg of body weight was selected and carried out four times during from January from December. Body temperature of cow was determined in which two thermo-recoder inserted the rectum and vagina. It were found that continuous determination of diurnal temperature of cow under grazing at one minute interval for 24-hour was successful when thermistor was inserted into the vagina of cow. Diurnal changes of vaginal temperature were showed circadian rhythm, being lowest at 10:00 and highest at 20:00. Body temperature of cow increased when the animal lied down and returned to the normal after standing up. It were made known that vaginal temperature of grazing cow has gone up, and gone down in standing.%牛の体温は分娩予知,発情発見,暑熱•寒冷ストレスの評価,疾病の早期発見などの指標として利用価値が高い.しかし,今までの牛の連続体温測定は,ほとんどが牛舎内や環境制御室で行われていた.そこで,本研究では放牧条件下での連続体温測定方法を検討した.
机译:进行了这项研究,以调查放牧日本黑牛的连续体温测定方法。分析了体温与牛的放牧行为以及体温的日变化之间的关系。在Paspalum conjugatum Berg和Bidens Pilosa L.var的优势牧草上放牧了七只日本黑牛,平均体重334公斤。放射状的谢尔夫从12月的1月开始,选择了380公斤体重的母牛并进行了四次。确定母牛的体温,其中两个热记录仪插入了直肠和阴道。结果发现,将热敏电阻插入牛的阴道内,以1分钟为间隔连续24小时连续测定牛的昼夜温度是成功的。阴道温度的昼夜节律呈昼夜节律变化,最低时为10:00,最高时为20:00。当动物躺下后,牛的体温升高,并在站立后恢复正常。众所周知,放牧牛的阴道温度升高了,站立时降低了。%牛の体温は分娩予知,発情発见,暑热•寒冷ストレスの评価,疾病の。しかし,今までの牛の连続体温测定は,ほとんどが牛舎内や环境制御室で行われていた。そこで,本研究では放牧条件下での连続体温测定方法を検讨した。



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