首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Springer Open Choice >A Morally Permissible Moral Mistake? Reinterpreting a Thought Experiment as Proof of Concept

A Morally Permissible Moral Mistake? Reinterpreting a Thought Experiment as Proof of Concept




This paper takes the philosophical notion of suberogatory acts or morally permissible moral mistakes and, via a reinterpretation of a thought experiment from the medical ethics literature, offers an initial demonstration of their relevance to the field of medical ethics. That is, at least in regards to this case, we demonstrate that the concept of morally permissible moral mistakes has a bearing on medical decision-making. We therefore suggest that these concepts may have broader importance for the discourse on medical ethics and should receive fuller consideration by those working the field. The focus of the discussion we present is on a particular thought experiment originally presented by Sulmasy and Sugarman. Their case formed the basis of an exchange about the moral equivalence of withdrawing and withholding life-saving treatment. The analysis Sulmasy and Sugarman set out is significant because, contrary to common bioethical opinion, it implies that the difference between withdrawing and withholding life-saving treatment holds, rather than lacks, moral significance. Following a brief discussion of rejoinders to Sulmasy and Sugarman’s article, we present a constructive reinterpretation of the thought experiment, one that draws on the idea of suberogatory acts or “morally permissible moral mistakes.” Our analysis, or so we suggest, accounts for the differing moral intuitions that the case prompts. However, it also calls into question the degree to which this thought experiment can be thought of as illustrating the moral (non)equivalence of withdrawing and withholding life-saving treatment. Rather, we conclude that it primarily illuminates something about the ethical parameters of healthcare when family members, particularly parents, are involved in decision-making.
机译:本文采用了屈从性行为或道德上允许的道德错误的哲学概念,并通过对医学伦理文献的思想实验的重新解释,初步证明了它们与医学伦理学领域的相关性。也就是说,至少就此案而言,我们证明了道德上允许的道德错误的概念与医疗决策有关。因此,我们建议这些概念对于医学伦理学的讨论可能具有更广泛的重要性,并且应该由那些从事该领域工作的人们进行更充分的考虑。我们目前讨论的重点是最初由Sulmasy和Sugarman提出的特定思想实验。他们的案子构成了关于撤回和扣留救生治疗的道德对等的基础。 Sulmasy和Sugarman提出的分析是有意义的,因为与普遍的生物伦理学观点相反,它暗示退出与保留救生治疗之间的区别具有而非缺乏道德意义。在简短讨论了Sulmasy和Sugarman的文章后,我们提出了对思想实验的建设性重新解释,其中借鉴了屈从性行为或“道德上允许的道德错误”的思想。我们的分析(或我们建议的)说明了案件所提示的不同的道德直觉。但是,这也令人质疑该思想实验在多大程度上说明了退出和扣留救生治疗的道德(非)等价性。相反,我们得出的结论是,当家庭成员(尤其是父母)参与决策时,它主要说明了医疗保健的道德参数。



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