首页> 外文期刊>Science and engineering ethics >Assessing the Moral Coherence and Moral Robustness of Social Systems: Proof of Concept for a Graphical Models Approach

Assessing the Moral Coherence and Moral Robustness of Social Systems: Proof of Concept for a Graphical Models Approach


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This paper presents a proof of concept for a graphical models approach to assessing the moral coherence and moral robustness of systems of social interactions. "Moral coherence" refers to the degree to which the rights and duties of agents within a system are effectively respected when agents in the system comply with the rights and duties that are recognized as in force for the relevant context of interaction. "Moral robustness" refers to the degree to which a system of social interaction is configured to ensure that the interests of agents are effectively respected even in the face of noncompliance. Using the case of conscientious objection of pharmacists to filling prescriptions for emergency contraception as an example, we illustrate how a graphical models approach can help stakeholders identify structural weaknesses in systems of social interaction and evaluate the relativemerits of alternate organizational structures. By illustrating the merits of a graphical models approach we hope to spur further developments in this area.
机译:本文为评估社交互动系统的道德一致性和道德鲁棒性的图形模型方法提供了概念证明。 “道德连贯性”是指当系统中的代理遵守公认的对相关交互上下文有效的权利和义务时,系统中代理的权利和义务得到有效尊重的程度。 “道德稳健性”指的是一种社交互动系统被配置为即使在面对违规行为时也能确保切实尊重代理人的利益的程度。以药剂师出于良心拒服紧急避孕药具的案例为例,我们说明了图形模型方法如何帮助利益相关者识别社会互动系统中的结构弱点并评估替代组织结构的相对优势。通过说明图形模型方法的优点,我们希望刺激该领域的进一步发展。



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