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Determination of heavy metals and their availability to plants in soil fertilized with different waste substances




Field trials were conducted in 2004–2015, in Bałcyny, on haplic Luvisol formed out of light boulder clay. The experiment consisted of the following treatments: control (no fertilization), NPK, manure (FYM), dried pelleted sewage sludge (DPSS), composted sewage sludge (CSS), compost made from municipal sewage sludge and straw (SSCS), compost Dano made from unsorted household waste (CUHW), and compost produced from urban green waste (CUGW). Over a period of 12 years, 30 t DM/ha of each manure and composts were used, that is, 10 t DM/ha in each rotation of a crop rotation sequence. Nitrogen fertilization was kept on the same level on all experimental plots. Soil samples from the 0- to 20-cm horizon were collected after the third rotation crop, which was winter wheat harvested in 2015. It has been demonstrated that CUHW raised the soil total Cu content the highest, while the soil content of Zn was elevated the most by DPSS. The content of the remaining heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cr, Mn, and Fe) increased as well, but to a lesser extent. The soil abundance of phytoavailable forms of copper improved even greater (from 75% when fertilized with CUGW or CSS, up to 124% when treated with CUHW). Soil content of soluble forms of such metals as Zn, Pb, Cr, Mn, and Fe changed less. The content of all analyzed heavy metals in soil (a form approximating the total content) was significantly positively correlated with the content of organic carbon (C-org.). This is the evidence for stronger adsorption of the above elements in soil richer in organic matter. On the other hand, the content of available forms of heavy metals depended more on the soil pH than on its content of C-org.
机译:2004-2015年,在Bałcyny对轻石砾石形成的卢维索尔触感进行了田间试验。该实验包括以下处理:对照(​​不施肥),NPK,肥料(FYM),干燥的颗粒状污泥(DPSS),堆肥的污泥(CSS),城市污泥和秸秆的堆肥(SSCS),Dano堆肥由未分类的生活垃圾(CUHW)和城市绿色垃圾(CUGW)产生的堆肥制成。在12年的时间里,每种肥料和堆肥的使用量为30吨DM / ha,也就是说,每轮作物轮作使用10 DM / ha。在所有实验区中,氮肥水平保持相同。在第三次轮作后(2015年冬小麦收获),收集了0至20厘米范围内的土壤样品。已证明CUHW使土壤总Cu含量最高,而Zn含量却升高最多的是DPSS。其余重金属(Pb,Ni,Cr,Mn和Fe)的含量也有所增加,但幅度较小。植物可利用的铜的土壤丰度甚至有更大的提高(从CUGW或CSS施肥时为75%,到CUHW处理时为124%)。诸如Zn,Pb,Cr,Mn和Fe的可溶形式的土壤含量变化较小。土壤中所有分析过的重金属的含量(一种近似于总含量的形式)与有机碳含量(C-org。)呈显着正相关。这是上述元素在富含有机物的土壤中更强吸附的证据。另一方面,可利用的重金属含量更多地取决于土壤的pH,而不是其C-org的含量。



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