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Balancing Fairness and Efficiency: The Impact of Identity-Blind and Identity-Conscious Accountability on Applicant Screening




This study compared two forms of accountability that can be used to promote diversity and fairness in personnel selections: identity-conscious accountability (holding decision makers accountable for which groups are selected) versus identity-blind accountability (holding decision makers accountable for making fair selections). In a simulated application screening process, undergraduate participants (majority female) sorted applicants under conditions of identity-conscious accountability, identity-blind accountability, or no accountability for an applicant pool in which white males either did or did not have a human capital advantage. Under identity-conscious accountability, participants exhibited pro-female and pro-minority bias, particularly in the white-male-advantage applicant pool. Under identity-blind accountability, participants exhibited no biases and candidate qualifications dominated interview recommendations. Participants exhibited greater resentment toward management under identity-conscious accountability.
机译:这项研究比较了两种形式的问责制,可以用来促进人员选拔的多样性和公平性:意识认同的问责制(让决策者负责选择哪个小组)和身份盲目的问责制(让决策者负责做出公平的选择) 。在模拟的申请筛选过程中,本科生参与者(多数为女性)在身份认同型问责制,身份盲目的问责制或无问责制的条件下对申请人进行了分类,在这些条件下,白人男性确实具有或不具有人力资本优势。在具有身份意识的问责制下,参与者表现出赞成女性和少数族裔的偏见,尤其是在白人男性优势的申请人群体中。在身份盲法问责制下,参与者没有偏见,候选人资格主导了面试建议。参与者对身份认同的责任感表现出对管理的更大不满。



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