首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Sponsored Documents >Low copy target detection by Droplet Digital PCR through application of a novel open access bioinformatic pipeline ‘definetherain’

Low copy target detection by Droplet Digital PCR through application of a novel open access bioinformatic pipeline ‘definetherain’

机译:通过应用新型的开放式生物信息管道 definetherain通过Droplet Digital PCR检测低拷贝目标



Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) represents a new and alternative platform to conventional quantitative-PCR (qPCR) for the quantitation of DNA templates. However, the proposed improvement in sensitivity and reproducibility offered by ddPCR is not yet fully proven, partly because the delineation between positive and negative responses is not always clear.Data are presented demonstrating the sensitivity of the ddPCR system to both reagent concentrations and choice of cut-off for defining positive and negative results. By implementing k-nearest clustering, cut-offs are produced that improve the accuracy of ddPCR where target DNA is present at low copy numbers, a key application of ddPCR. This approach is applied to human albumin and HIV-1 proviral DNA ddPCR quantitative protocols. This tool is coded in JavaScript and has been made available for free in a web browser at . Optimisation of the analyses of raw ddPCR data using ‘definetherain’ indicates that low target number detection can be improved by its implementation. Further application to patient samples will help define the clinical utility of this approach.
机译:Droplet Digital PCR(ddPCR)代表了用于定量DNA模板的常规定量PCR(qPCR)的新平台。然而,ddPCR所提供的拟议灵敏度和重现性方面的改进尚未得到充分证实,部分原因是阳性和阴性反应之间的界线并不总是很清楚。提供的数据表明ddPCR系统对试剂浓度和切割选择的敏感性-用于定义正面和负面结果。通过实施k近邻聚类,可以产生提高ddPCR准确性的临界值,其中靶DNA的拷贝数低,这是ddPCR的关键应用。该方法适用于人白蛋白和HIV-1前病毒DNA ddPCR定量方案。该工具使用JavaScript编码,可通过以下网址的网络浏览器免费获得。使用“ definetherain”对ddPCR原始数据进行分析的优化表明,通过实施该方法可以改善低目标数检测。对患者样品的进一步应用将有助于定义这种方法的临床实用性。



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