首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology >Caffeine intake decreases oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in experimental liver diseases induced by thioacetamide: Biochemical and histological study

Caffeine intake decreases oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers in experimental liver diseases induced by thioacetamide: Biochemical and histological study




Liver disease remains a significant global health problem. Increased caffeine consumption has been associated with a lower prevalence of chronic liver disease. This study aimed to investigate the modifying effects of caffeine on liver injury induced by thioacetamide (TAA) administration in male rats and the possible underlying mechanisms. Forty adult male rats were equally classified into four groups: control group, received only tap water; caffeine-treated group, received caffeine (37.5 mg/kg per day); TAA-treated group, received intraperitoneal (i.p.) TAA (200 mg/kg b.w.) twice a week; and caffeine + TAA-treated group, received combined TAA and caffeine in the same previous doses. After eight weeks of treatment, blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis and liver specimens were prepared for histological and immunohistochemical studies and for assessment of oxidative stress. TAA induced liver toxicity with elevated liver enzymes and histological alterations, fatty changes, apoptosis, and fibrosis evidenced by increased immunohistochemical reaction to matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and collagen type IV in hepatocytes. Also, the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in serum were significantly elevated. Co-treatment with caffeine and TAA restored normal liver structure and function. Caffeine provided an anti-fibrogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effect that was associated with recovery of hepatic histological and functional alterations from TAA-induced hepatotoxicity.
机译:肝病仍然是全球性的重大健康问题。咖啡因的摄入增加与慢性肝病的患病率降低有关。这项研究旨在探讨咖啡因对雄性大鼠硫代乙酰胺(TAA)给药所致肝损伤的修饰作用及其可能的潜在机制。将四十只成年雄性大鼠平均分为四组:对照组,仅接受自来水;对照组,仅接受自来水。咖啡因治疗组,每天接受咖啡因(37.5 mg / kg); TAA治疗组每周两次腹膜内(i.p.)TAA(200 mg / kg b.w.);咖啡因+ TAA治疗组接受相同剂量的TAA和咖啡因联合治疗。治疗八周后,收集血液样本进行生化分析,并准备肝样本用于组织学和免疫组织化学研究以及评估氧化应激。 TAA诱导的肝毒性与肝酶升高和组织学改变,脂肪变化,凋亡和纤维化有关,这是由对肝细胞中基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)和IV型胶原的免疫组织化学反应增加所证明的。另外,血清中促炎细胞因子(TNF-α,IL-1β和IL-6)的水平也显着升高。与咖啡因和TAA共同治疗可恢复正常的肝脏结构和功能。咖啡因具有抗纤维化,抗炎和抗氧化的作用,与从TAA诱导的肝毒性中恢复肝组织学和功能改变有关。



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