首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases >The Impact of Cooperative Social Organization on Reducing the Prevalence of Malaria and Intestinal Parasite Infections in Awramba a Rural Community in South Gondar Ethiopia

The Impact of Cooperative Social Organization on Reducing the Prevalence of Malaria and Intestinal Parasite Infections in Awramba a Rural Community in South Gondar Ethiopia




Introduction. Parasitic diseases are the major causes of human health problem in Ethiopia. The high prevalence of parasitic infections is closely correlated with poverty, poor environmental hygiene, and impoverished health services. Objective. The study was conducted to assess the impact of health-conscious Awramba cooperative community and its neighboring communities on the prevalence of parasitic infections in South Gondar, Ethiopia. Methods. Single stool specimens were collected from 392 individuals from Awramba and the neighboring communities. Specimens were examined microscopically for the presence of parasites using microscopy. Questionnaire was administered to determine the knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) of study participants. Results. Of the total 392 study participants examined, 58(14.8%) were positive for malaria and 173 (44.1%) for intestinal parasites. The prevalence of malaria in Awramba community (5.1%) was less than that in neighboring communities (24.5%). The prevalence of parasitic infections in Awramba (18.8%) was less than that of the neighboring communities (69.4%). Conclusion. This study showed that good household and environmental hygiene, good toilet construction and usage, and proper utilization of ITN in Awramba cooperative community have significantly contributed to the reduction of the burden of parasitic infections. Thus, the positive achievement in reducing parasitic infections in Awramba cooperative community could be used as a model for affordable health intervention in the neighboring communities, in particular, and the whole country in general.
机译:介绍。寄生虫病是埃塞俄比亚人类健康问题的主要原因。寄生虫感染的高发与贫困,不良的环境卫生和贫困的卫生服务密切相关。目的。进行该研究的目的是评估具有健康意识的Awramba合作社社区及其邻近社区对埃塞俄比亚南贡达的寄生虫感染率的影响。方法。从Awramba和附近社区的392个人中收集了单个粪便标本。使用显微镜在显微镜下检查样本中是否存在寄生虫。进行问卷调查以确定研究参与者的知识态度和实践(KAP)。结果。在总共392名研究参与者中,有58名(14.8%)的疟疾呈阳性,而173名(44.1%)的肠道寄生虫呈阳性。 Awramba社区的疟疾流行率(5.1%)低于邻国的疟疾流行率(24.5%)。阿瓦兰巴(18.8%)的寄生虫感染发生率低于邻近社区(69.4%)。结论。这项研究表明,良好的家庭和环境卫生,良好的厕所建造和使用以及在Awramba合作社社区中正确使用ITN显着有助于减轻寄生虫感染的负担。因此,在减少Awramba合作社社区中的寄生虫感染方面取得的积极成就可以用作在邻近社区,特别是整个国家中进行负担得起的卫生干预的典范。



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