首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >Increase in Rhamnolipid Synthesis under Iron-Limiting Conditions Influences Surface Motility and Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Increase in Rhamnolipid Synthesis under Iron-Limiting Conditions Influences Surface Motility and Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa




Iron is an essential element for life but also serves as an environmental signal for biofilm development in the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Under iron-limiting conditions, P. aeruginosa displays enhanced twitching motility and forms flat unstructured biofilms. In this study, we present evidence suggesting that iron-regulated production of the biosurfactant rhamnolipid is important to facilitate the formation of flat unstructured biofilms. We show that under iron limitation the timing of rhamnolipid expression is shifted to the initial stages of biofilm formation (versus later in biofilm development under iron-replete conditions) and results in increased bacterial surface motility. In support of this observation, an rhlAB mutant defective in biosurfactant production showed less surface motility under iron-restricted conditions and developed structured biofilms similar to those developed by the wild type under iron-replete conditions. These results highlight the importance of biosurfactant production in determining the mature structure of P. aeruginosa biofilms under iron-limiting conditions.



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