首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Bacteriology >Changes in gene expression during nitrogen starvation in Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413.

Changes in gene expression during nitrogen starvation in Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413.

机译:变色鱼腥藻ATCC 29413中氮饥饿期间基因表达的变化。



When the filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 was subjected to nitrogen starvation under aerobic conditions, a complex series of events was initiated which resulted in heterocyst formation and derepression of the ability to fix dinitrogen. Using DNA-RNA hybridization techniques, we monitored the expression of several genes during nitrogen starvation and correlated changes in the mRNA levels with changes in enzyme activity, protein levels, and morphology. Nitrogenase mRNA was first observed after about 8.5 h of nitrogen starvation, as was nitrogenase activity. Late proheterocysts were present at that time. The level of nitrogenase mRNA increased for 5 to 6 h and then leveled off. Phycocyanin and allophycocyanin mRNA levels decreased rapidly within 1 h of nitrogen starvation; the levels increased later, as nitrogen starvation was alleviated, first by protein breakdown and then by nitrogen fixation. The average half-life of A. variabilis mRNA was determined by pulse-labeling techniques to be 16 to 18 min. Hybridization analysis showed that cpc and apc mRNAs also had half-lives of 16 to 18 min; the half-lives were not significantly different under nitrogen starvation conditions. Our results support the idea that the changes induced by nitrogen starvation are primarily the result of transcriptional regulation.
机译:当在有氧条件下使丝状固氮蓝细菌Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413遭受氮饥饿时,引发了一系列复杂的事件,这些事件导致了异胞藻的形成和固氮能力的降低。使用DNA-RNA杂交技术,我们监测了氮饥饿期间几个基因的表达,并将mRNA水平的变化与酶活性,蛋白质水平和形态的变化相关联。氮饥饿约8.5小时后,首先观察到了氮酶的mRNA,以及氮酶的活性。当时存在晚期肝囊肿。固氮酶mRNA的水平增加5至6小时,然后趋于平稳。氮饥饿后1小时内藻蓝蛋白和别藻蓝蛋白mRNA水平迅速下降。随后水平升高,因为氮饥饿得到缓解,首先是蛋白质分解,然后是固氮。通过脉冲标记技术测定变异曲霉mRNA的平均半衰期为16至18分钟。杂交分析表明,cpc和apc mRNA的半衰期也为16至18分钟。在氮饥饿条件下,半衰期没有显着差异。我们的结果支持这样的观点,即氮饥饿引起的变化主要是转录调控的结果。



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