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Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in the Era of Proton Pump Inhibitors




Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has the advantage over endoscopic mucosa resection, permitting removal of gastrointestinal neoplasms en bloc, but is associated with relatively high risk of complications. Indications for early gastric cancer (EGC) are expanded: mucosal cancer without ulcer findings irrespective of tumor size; mucosal cancer with ulcer findings ≤3 cm in diameter; and minute submucosal invasive cancer ≤3 cm in size. The indications for early esophageal cancer (EEC) are the tumors confined to the two-third layer of the lamina propria. The EEC lesions spreading more than three-quarter of circumference of the esophagus are at frequent risk of stenosis. The procedures include marking, submucosal injection, circumferential mucosal incision and exforiation of the lesion along the submucosal layer. Complete ESD can achieve a large one-piece resection, allowing precise histological assessment to prevent recurrence. Clinical outcomes of gastric and esophageal ESD have been promising, and the prognosis of EGC patients treated by ESD is likely to be excellent, though further longer follow-up studies are warranted. Notification of perforation risk is essential in particular for esophageal ESD. Bleeding during ESD can be managed with coagulation forceps, and postoperative bleeding may be reduced with routine use of the stronger acid suppressant, proton pump inhibitors.
机译:内窥镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)优于内窥镜黏膜切除术,可整体清除胃肠道肿瘤,但并发症发生风险相对较高。早期胃癌(EGC)的适应症扩大:无溃疡发现的粘膜癌,与肿瘤大小无关;溃疡发现直径小于3厘米的粘膜癌;和小于3 cm的微小粘膜下浸润癌。早期食道癌(EEC)的指征是肿瘤局限于固有层的三分之二。遍布食管周长四分之三的EEC病变常有狭窄的风险。该过程包括标记,粘膜下注射,周向粘膜切口和沿粘膜下层的病变扩大。完整的ESD可实现大型的单件切除,从而可以进行精确的组织学评估以防止复发。胃和食道ESD的临床结果令人鼓舞,经ESD治疗的EGC患者的预后可能很好,尽管有必要进行更长的随访研究。穿孔风险的通知对于食管ESD尤其重要。 ESD期间的出血可用凝结钳处理,常规使用强酸抑制剂,质子泵抑制剂可减少术后出血。



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