首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Sensors (Basel Switzerland) >A Coarse-to-Fine Method for Estimating the Axis Pose Based on 3D Point Clouds in Robotic Cylindrical Shaft-in-Hole Assembly

A Coarse-to-Fine Method for Estimating the Axis Pose Based on 3D Point Clouds in Robotic Cylindrical Shaft-in-Hole Assembly




In this work, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine method for object pose estimation coupled with admittance control to promote robotic shaft-in-hole assembly. Considering that traditional approaches to locate the hole by force sensing are time-consuming, we employ 3D vision to estimate the axis pose of the hole. Thus, robots can locate the target hole in both position and orientation and enable the shaft to move into the hole along the axis orientation. In our method, first, the raw point cloud of a hole is processed to acquire the keypoints. Then, a coarse axis is extracted according to the geometric constraints between the surface normals and axis. Lastly, axis refinement is performed on the coarse axis to achieve higher precision. Practical experiments verified the effectiveness of the axis pose estimation. The assembly strategy composed of axis pose estimation and admittance control was effectively applied to the robotic shaft-in-hole assembly.
机译:在这项工作中,我们提出了一种用于对象姿势估计的新型粗良好的方法,其与导纳控制促进机器人轴 - 内孔组件。考虑到通过力传感定位孔的传统方法是耗时的,我们采用3D视觉来估计孔的轴姿势。因此,机器人可以在位置和取向上定位目标孔,并使轴能够沿轴方向进入孔中。在我们的方法中,首先,处理孔的原始点云以获取关键点。然后,根据表面法线和轴之间的几何约束来提取粗轴。最后,在粗轴上执行轴细化以实现更高的精度。实际实验验证了轴姿势估计的有效性。由轴姿势估计和导纳控制组成的组装策略得到有效地应用于机器人轴轴组件。



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