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Teaching Approaches to Learn Theoretical Contents in Physical Education: A Study about Contour Lines




Purpose: Fostering student’s map reading skills, specifically understanding contour lines, is a challenging area of the Physical Education curriculum. Method: 238 students in their first year of secondary education (Mage = 13.1) were randomly assigned to one of these experimental conditions in physical education classes: (a) Teaching intervention 1 (TI-1): integrating the concept of contour lines into practical sessions of acrobatic gymnastics; (b) TI-2: theoretical sessions regarding contour lines; (c) Active control (AC): reading an introductory text about topographic maps; and two passive controls (PC) without any intervention, (d) PC-1 and (e) PC-2. Results: All students, except for PC-2, improved their knowledge of contour lines. Nevertheless, performing corporal figures (in TI-1) and employing pointing and tracing gestures (in TI-2) helped students to correctly resolve a broader range of tasks. Conclusions: The results highlighted the benefits of teaching proposals that favor movement and the experience of the body.
机译:目的:培养学生的地图阅读技巧,专门了解轮廓线,是一个具有挑战性的体育课程领域。方法:238名学生在他们的第一年中等教育(法师= 13.1)中被随机分配给体育课程中的这些实验条件之一:(a)教学干预1(TI-1):将轮廓线的概念集成为实际杂技体操的会议; (b)TI-2:关于轮廓线的理论课程; (c)主动控制(AC):阅读有关地形图的介绍文本;和两个无源控制(PC)没有任何干预,(D)PC-1和(E)PC-2。结果:除PC-2外,所有学生,还改善了他们对轮廓线的知识。然而,执行物士数据(在TI-1)和使用指向和追踪手势(在TI-2)帮助学生正确解决更广泛的任务范围。结论:结果强调了有利于运动的教学建议和体验的益处。



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