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Mitofusin-2 boosts innate immunity through the maintenance of aerobic glycolysis and activation of xenophagy in mice




a–d Intracellular survival assay after Mtb (MOI 3; n = 6) (a), BCG (MOI 3; n = 6) (b), M. abscessus (M.abs)-smooth (MOI 1 and 3; n = 4) (c), and LM (MOI 1 and 5; n = 4) (d) infection assessed in Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO BMDMs after indicated time duration. e–g In vivo bacterial load in lung tissues from Mtb (e; n = 6, 5 × 104 CFU), BCG (f; 2 × 106 CFU, n = 3 and 1 × 107 CFU, n = 5) at 7 days post infection (dpi) or M.abs (g; smooth n = 5, 2 × 106 CFU and rough n = 4, 1 × 107 CFU)-infected Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO mice. h H&E staining of the BCG-infected lung tissue from Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO mice. Representative images are shown. Scale bars, 100 μm. i, j Survival rate of Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO mice infected with LM i.v. (WT n = 6, CKO n = 5) (i) and i.p. (n = 7) (j) monitored for indicated time. k In vivo bacterial load in liver and spleen from Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO mice infected with LM (i.p.) for 72 h (n = 5). l Daily change in body weight of Mfn2 WT and Mfn2 CKO mice after LM infection. Loss of body weight is calculated subtracting the body weight of each day to that of day 0 (n = 7). Mean ± SEM are shown (a–g, k, l). Two-tailed Student’s t tests (a–g, k, l) and log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test (i, j) were used to measure the significance.
机译:A-D MTB(MOI 3; N = 6)(A),BCG(MOI 3; N = 6)(B),M.脓肿(M.Abs)-Smooth(Moi 1和3; n = 4)(c),和LM(MOI 1和5; n = 4)(d)在指示时间持续时间后在MFN2 WT和MFN2 CKO BMDM中进行的感染。来自MTB(E; N = 6,5×104 CFU),BCG(F; 2×106 CFU,N = 3和1×107 cfu,n = 5)的肺组织中的肺组织中的肺组织载体感染后(DPI)或M.Abs(G;光滑N = 5,2×106 CFU和粗n = 4,107CFU) - 摄取MFN2 WT和MFN2 CKO小鼠。来自MFN2 WT和MFN2 CKO小鼠的BCG感染肺组织的H H H&E染色。显示代表性图像。秤条,100μm。 i,j生存率Mfn2 wt和mfn2 cko小鼠感染lm i.v. (wt n = 6,cko n = 5)(i)和i.p。 (n = 7)(j)被监测为指示时间。 K在肝脏中的体内细菌载体和来自MFN2的脾脏和MFN2 CKO小鼠感染LM(I.P.)的MFN2 CKO小鼠72小时(n = 5)。 L在LM感染后MFN2 WT和MFN2 CKO小鼠体重的日常变化。计算体重的丧失从每天的体重减去每天的体重(n = 7)。示出了平均值±SEM(A-G,K,L)。使用双尾学生的T测试(A-G,K,L)和对数秩(Mantel-Cox)测试(I,J)来衡量重要性。



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