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An Evaluation of the Process and Quality Improvement Measures of the University of Virginia Cancer Center Tobacco Treatment Program




Tobacco use after a cancer diagnosis can increase risk of disease recurrence, increase the likelihood of a second primary cancer, and negatively impact treatment efficacy. The implementation of system-wide comprehensive tobacco cessation in the oncology setting has historically been low, with over half of cancer clinicians reporting that they do not treat or provide a referral to cessation resources. This quality improvement study evaluated the procedures for assessing and documenting tobacco use among cancer survivors and referring current smokers to cessation resources at the University of Virginia Cancer Center. Process mapping revealed 20 gaps across two major domains: electronic health record (EHR), and personnel barriers. The top identified priority was inconsistent documentation of tobacco use status as it impacted several downstream gaps. Eleven of the 20 gaps were deemed a high priority, and all were addressed during the implementation of the resulting Tobacco Treatment Program. Prioritized gaps were addressed using a combination of provider training, modifications to clinical workflow, and EHR modifications. Since implementation of solutions, the number of unique survivors receiving cessation treatment has increased from 284 survivors receiving cessation support during Year 1 of the initiative to 487 in Year 3. The resulting Tobacco Treatment Program provides a systematic, personalized, and sustainable comprehensive cessation program that optimizes the multifaceted workflow of the Cancer Center and has the potential to reduce tobacco use in a population most in need of cessation support.
机译:癌症诊断后使用烟草会增加疾病复发的风险,增加发生第二次原发癌的可能性,并对治疗效果产生负面影响。历史上,在肿瘤学领域,全系统全面戒烟的执行率很低,一半以上的癌症临床医生报告说他们不治疗戒烟或不提供戒烟资源。这项质量改善研究评估了评估和记录癌症幸存者中烟草使用情况的程序,并将目前的吸烟者转介至弗吉尼亚大学癌症中心的戒烟资源。流程图显示了两个主要领域的20个差距:电子健康记录(EHR)和人员壁垒。确定的头等大事是烟草使用状况的记录不一致,因为它影响了几个下游差距。 20个差距中的11个被认为是高度优先的问题,所有这些差距在实施最终的烟草治疗计划期间得到了解决。通过提供者培训,临床工作流程修改和EHR修改相结合的方式解决了优先差距。自解决方案实施以来,接受戒烟治疗的独特幸存者数量从该计划第一年的284名幸存者增加到了第三年的487名。由此产生的烟草治疗计划提供了系统,个性化和可持续的全面戒烟计划,优化了癌症中心的多方面工作流程,并有可能在最需要戒烟支持的人群中减少烟草使用。



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