首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >Archaeoparasitological Analysis of Samples from the Cultural Layer of Nadym Gorodok dated Back to the 14th-Late 18th Centuries

Archaeoparasitological Analysis of Samples from the Cultural Layer of Nadym Gorodok dated Back to the 14th-Late 18th Centuries

机译:Nadym Gorodok文化层样本的考古寄生虫学分析可追溯到14世纪末18世纪



An archaeoparasitological analysis of the soil samples from Nadym Gorodok site of Western Siberia has been carried out in this study. The archaeological site was dated as the 13 to 18th century, being characterized as permafrost region ensuring good preservation of ancient parasite eggs. Parasite eggs as , and sp. were found in the archaeological soil samples, which made clear about the detailed aspects of Nadym Gorodok people’s life. We found the sp. eggs throughout the 14 to 18th century specimens, allowing us to presume that raw or undercooked fish might have been commonly used for the foods of Nadym Gorodok inhabitants and their dogs for at least the past 400 years. Our study on Nadym Gorodok specimens also demonstrate that there might have been migratory interactions and strong economic ties between the people and society in Western Siberia, based on archaeoparasitological results of in Western Siberia.
机译:这项研究已经对西西伯利亚的Nadym Gorodok遗址的土壤样品进行了古寄生虫学分析。考古遗址的历史可追溯到13至18世纪,其特征是多年冻土地区,确保了古代寄生虫卵的良好保存。寄生虫卵为和。在考古土壤样本中被发现,这清楚地表明了纳迪姆·戈罗多克人生活的各个方面。我们找到了sp。整个14至18世纪的标本中都有卵,因此我们可以推测,至少在过去的400年中,未加工或未煮熟的鱼通常被用作Nadym Gorodok居民及其狗的食物。我们对纳迪姆·戈罗多克(Nadym Gorodok)标本的研究还表明,根据西伯利亚西部的考古寄生虫学结果,西伯利亚西部的人们与社会之间可能存在移民互动和牢固的经济联系。



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