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PSVIII-38 Oral hydration therapy and bovine respiratory disease affects rumination behavior rumen pH and rumen temperature in high risk newly received beef bulls.




The study objectives were to determine the effect of oral hydration therapy and bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on rumination behavior, rumen pH, and rumen temperature. A random subset of high risk, auction-sourced bulls from 3 truckload blocks (initial BW=188.9 ± 19.1 kg) were fitted with a collar containing a 3-axis accelerometer to quantify rumination time and activity index (n=58), and administered a rumen pH and temperature data logging bolus (n=33). At arrival, subset calves (n = 2/pen) were balanced across treatment pens (n=15/treatment; n=10 animals/pen) and randomized to receive 0.57 L water/45.4 kg BW from a modified oral drenching apparatus ( ) or no water administration ( ). Standard arrival processing procedures were implemented and bulls were surgically castrated. Modified-live virus respiratory vaccination was delayed until day 28. Daily rumen temperature was altered (P=0.04) such that peak rumen temperature occurred earlier for H2O; whereas, CON had increased (P≤0.01) rumen temperature following delayed vaccination on day 28. Technicians assigned a clinical illness score (CIS) daily; calves with CIS ≥2 and rectal temperature ≥40°C were considered a bovine respiratory disease case ( ) and treated with an antimicrobial. The fixed effect of BRD cases vs. non-treated cohorts ( ) was determined retrospectively using data from the accelerometer collar (n= 19 vs. 29) and rumen bolus (n= 12 vs. 21). Calves diagnosed with BRD had decreased (P<0.01) rumination time between 2000 and 0400 hours, greater (P<0.01) rumen temperature until delayed vaccination on day 28, greater (P<0.01) hourly rumen temperature between 0900 and 0300, transiently decreased (P=0.04) activity index between day 9 and 32, decreased (P<0.01) activity index between 0800 and 2000, and altered (P<0.01) rumen pH. Earlier peak rumen temperature observed in H2O may indicate physiological modification enabling a more pronounced inflammatory response. Differences in rumination behavior and activity index are potential tools for early BRD detection.
机译:研究目的是确定口服水合疗法和牛呼吸道疾病(BRD)对反刍行为,瘤胃pH值和瘤胃温度的影响。从3个载重块(初始体重= 188.9±19.1千克)的随机高风险,拍卖来源的公牛子中装有一个装有3轴加速度计的项圈,以量化思考时间和活动指数(n = 58),并进行管理瘤胃pH和温度数据记录推注(n = 33)。到达后,子代小牛(n = 2 /笔)在各处理笔之间平衡(n = 15 /只处理; n = 10只动物/笔),并随机分配,从改良的口腔淋洗设备中接收0.57升水/45.4千克体重或没有水管理()。实施了标准到达程序,公牛被手术cast割。改良的活病毒呼吸道疫苗被推迟到第28天。每日瘤胃温度发生变化(P = 0.04),使得H2O的瘤胃峰值温度出现得较早。在第28天延迟接种疫苗后,CON的瘤胃温度升高(P≤0.01)。技术人员每天分配一次临床疾病评分(CIS)。 CIS≥2和直肠温度≥40°C的小牛被认为是牛呼吸系统疾病病例(),并已进行了抗菌治疗。使用来自加速度计项圈(n = 19 vs. 29)和瘤胃推注(n = 12 vs. 21)的数据,回顾性地确定了BRD病例与未治疗人群()的固定作用。在2000年至0400小时之间,诊断为BRD的小牛的反刍时间缩短(P <0.01),瘤胃温度升高(P <0.01),直到第28天延迟接种为止,0900至0300之间的每小时瘤胃温度升高(P <0.01),瞬时降低第9天至第32天的活性指数为(P = 0.04),0800年至2000年的活性指数为(P <0.01)降低,瘤胃pH值发生了变化(P <0.01)。在H2O中观察到的较早的瘤胃峰值温度可能表明发生了生理变化,从而使炎症反应更为明显。反刍行为和活动指数的差异是早期BRD检测的潜在工具。



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