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A Case Report of Hypertensive Emergency and Intracranial HemorrhageDue to Intracavernosal Phenylephrine




Intracavernosal injection of phenylephrine is a commonlyused therapy for ischemic priapism and is typically well tolerated with fewsevere adverse side effects. We report a case of intracranial hemorrhage relatedto hypertensive emergency due to intracavernosal phenylephrine. A 43-year-old Caucasian man with history of hypertension,diabetes mellitus type I, end-stage renal disease status post a combinationkidney-pancreas transplant, and recurrent idiopathic priapism presented toemergency department with an episode of priapism. His home medications werelisinopril, metoprolol tartrate, mycophenolate mofetil, prednisone,sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and tacrolimus. After local injection of 2 rounds(1 hour apart) of 100 µg phenylephrine into each corpus cavernosa, priapismresolved. Within 5 minutes, the patient had headaches, dyspnea, and excruciatingchest pain. His blood pressure (BP) was noted to be 240/130 mm Hg but normalizedspontaneously within few minutes. During this period, he developed new-onsetright arm and leg weakness and found to have intracranial hemorrhage in themidbrain. A careful review for pharmacologicinteractions should be performed prior to intracavernosal phenylephrineadministration, and close monitoring should occur after its administration.
机译:腔内注射去氧肾上腺素是一种常见的方法用于缺血性阴茎异常勃起的疗法,通常很少被很好地耐受严重的不良副作用。我们报告一例颅内出血相关因海绵体内去氧肾上腺素导致高血压紧急情况。一位43岁的白人,有高血压病史,I型糖尿病,合并用药的终末期肾脏疾病状况肾胰腺移植和复发性特发性阴茎异常勃起表现为急诊室发作了阴谋狂。他的家庭用药是赖诺普利,酒石酸美托洛尔,霉酚酸酯,泼尼松,磺胺甲恶唑三甲氧苄啶和他克莫司。局部注入2轮后(间隔1小时)将100 µg去氧肾上腺素注入海绵体,阴茎异常勃勃解决。 5分钟内,患者出现头痛,呼吸困难和剧烈疼痛胸痛。血压(BP)为240/130毫米汞柱,但已恢复正常在几分钟内自发。在此期间,他发展了新的疾病右臂和腿无力,发现有颅内出血中脑。药理学的详细审查相互作用应在海绵体内去氧肾上腺素之前进行管理,并且应在管理后进行严密监视。



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