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15 years of the model study course in medicine at the Ruhr University Bochum

机译:在波鸿鲁尔大学(Ruhr University Bochum)进行医学模型研究课程已有15年



The Faculty of Medicine of the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) introduced a model study course in medicine (MSM) in the winter semester 2003. For 9 consecutive years, 42 out of 280 first year students at the Ruhr University Bochum had the opportunity to begin their studies in the model study course in medicine. The places were allocated amongst the applicants internally through a raffle. The MSM was consistently problem-, practice- and patient-oriented and largely did away with lectures, broke with the distinction between a pre-clinical and clinical phase and tested basic knowledge in equivalent integrated exams focusing on clinical application. Following a comparative evaluation of the standard degree course (RSM) and the MSM, the faculty merged the two degree courses into the Integrated Reformed Medical Curriculum (IRMC), which has been on offer since 2013 and is characterized by a topic-oriented hybrid curriculum. This article examines experiences relating to the origins, conception and introduction of the MSM.
机译:波鸿鲁尔大学医学院(RUB)于2003年冬季学期开设了医学模型研究课程(MSM)。波鸿鲁尔大学(Ruhr University Bochum)280名一年级学生中有42名连续9年有机会开始学习他们在医学模型学习课程中的学习。这些地方是通过抽奖在内部分配给申请人的。 MSM始终以问题,实践和患者为导向,并取消了讲座,打破了临床前阶段和临床阶段之间的区别,并在侧重于临床应用的等效综合考试中测试了基础知识。在对标准学位课程(RSM)和MSM进行比较评估之后,该学院将这两个学位课程合并为综合改革医学课程(IRMC),该课程自2013年开始提供,其特色是面向主题的混合课程。本文研究与MSM的起源,概念和介绍有关的经验。



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