首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>European Journal of Human Genetics >Heterozygous loss-of-function variants of MEIS2 cause a triad of palatal defects congenital heart defects and intellectual disability

Heterozygous loss-of-function variants of MEIS2 cause a triad of palatal defects congenital heart defects and intellectual disability




Facial phenotypes from patients with de novo variants in (patients 1–6, 8, and 9) and from patient K and L, who were identified with a de novo deletion on 15q14. Numbers or letters in the left upper corner refer to the patient numbering in Tables  and . Although facial phenotypes are variable and no clinically recognizable facial gestalt can be delineated, some recurrent features were noticeable, including thin, arched eyebrows, a metopic ridge, a thin vermillion, and short alae nasi. The bottom row shows evolution of facial features with age in patient K (from the age of 8 months to the age of 28 years). Note the thin, arched, and laterally displaced eyebrows, thin upper lip and broad nasal root and tip with short alae nasi, as well as facial coarsening with age
机译:来自15 no14的de novo缺失的de novo变异患者(患者1-6、8和9)以及患者K和L的面部表型。左上角的数字或字母表示表和中的患者编号。尽管面部表型是可变的,并且不能描述临床上可识别的面部格式塔,但是一些复发的特征是明显的,包括眉毛稀疏,弓形,metopic脊,朱红细,鼻翼短。最下面一行显示了患者K(从8个月到28岁)随年龄增长的面部特征。注意眉毛细,拱形和侧向移位,上唇细,鼻根和尖部宽,鼻翼短,随着年龄的增长面部变粗


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