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Role of juvenile hormone and allatotropin on nutrient allocation ovarian development and survivorship in mosquitoes




Teneral reserves are utilized to initiate previtellogenic ovarian development in mosquitoes. Females having emerged with low teneral reserves have reduced juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis and previtellogenic development. We investigated what role JH, allatotropin (AT) and other head-factors play in the regulation of previtellogenic ovarian development and adult survivorship. Factors from the head are essential for corpora allata (CA) activation and reproductive maturation. We have shown that decapitation of females within 9–12 h after adult ecdysis prevented normal development of the previtellogenic follicles; however maximum previtellogenic ovarian development could be induced in decapitated females by topically applying a JH analog. When females were decapitated 12 or more hours after emergence nutritional resources had been committed to ovarian development and survivorship was significantly reduced. To study if allatotropin levels correlated with teneral reserves, we measured AT titers in the heads of two adult phenotypes (large and small females) generated by raising larvae under different nutritional diets. In large mosquitoes AT levels increased to a maximum of 45 fmol in day 4; in contrast, the levels of allatotropin in the heads of small mosquitoes remained below 9 fmol during the 7 days evaluated. These results suggest that only when nutrients are appropriate, factors released from the brain induce the CA to synthesize enough JH to activate reproductive maturation.
机译:矿物质储备被用于启动蚊子的玻璃体前卵巢发育。那些具有较低的矿物储备的女性已经减少了幼体激素(JH)的合成和玻璃体形成。我们调查了JH,尿钙蛋白(AT)和其他主要因素在玻璃体前卵巢发育和成年存活率调控中的作用。头部的因素对于全集激活和生殖成熟至关重要。我们已经证明,成年蜕皮瘤后9至12小时内将女性断头会阻止玻璃体前卵泡的正常发育。然而,通过局部应用JH类似物,可以在断头的雌性动物中诱导最大的卵母细胞形成卵巢。当雌性在出苗后12个小时或更长时间被斩首时,营养资源已投入卵巢发育,生存率大大降低。为了研究Allatotropin水平是否与矿物质储备相关,我们测量了在不同营养饮食下饲养幼虫所产生的两种成年表型(雌雄大小表)头部的AT效价。在大型蚊子中,第4天的AT水平最高增加到45 fmol;相比之下,在评估的7天中,小蚊子头部中的Allatotropin的水平保持在9 fmol以下。这些结果表明,只有在适当的养分条件下,脑中释放的因子才能诱导CA合成足够的JH来激活生殖成熟。



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