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Enhancing Protein Disulfide Bond Cleavage by UV Excitation and Electron Capture Dissociation for Top-Down Mass Spectrometry




The application of ion pre-activation with 266 nm ultraviolet (UV) laser irradiation combined with electron capture dissociation (ECD) is demonstrated to enhance top-down mass spectrometry sequence coverage of disulfide bond containing proteins. UV-based activation can homolytically cleave a disulfide bond to yield two separated thiol radicals. Activated ECD experiments of insulin and ribonuclease A containing three and four disulfide bonds, respectively, were performed. UV-activation in combination with ECD allowed the three disulfide bonds of insulin to be cleaved and the overall sequence coverage to be increased. For the larger sized ribonuclease A with four disulfide bonds, irradiation from an infrared laser (10.6 µm) to disrupt non-covalent interactions was combined with UV-activation to facilitate the cleavage of up to three disulfide bonds. Preferences for disulfide bond cleavage are dependent on protein structure and sequence. Disulfide bonds can reform if the generated radicals remain in close proximity. By varying the time delay between the UV-activation and the ECD events, it was determined that disulfide bonds reform within 10–100 msec after their UV-homolytic cleavage.
机译:结合266 nm紫外线(UV)激光辐照进行的离子预激活与电子捕获解离(ECD)的结合使用,可提高自上而下的质谱序列对包含二硫键的蛋白质的覆盖率。基于紫外线的活化作用可以同质裂解二硫键,产生两个分离的硫醇基。分别进行了包含三个和四个二硫键的胰岛素和核糖核酸酶A的活化ECD实验。紫外线激活与ECD结合可裂解胰岛素的三个二硫键,并增加总体序列覆盖率。对于具有四个二硫键的较大尺寸的核糖核酸酶A,将红外激光(10.6 µm)照射以破坏非共价相互作用与紫外线活化相结合,以促进多达三个二硫键的裂解。二硫键裂解的偏好取决于蛋白质的结构和序列。如果生成的自由基保持紧密相邻,则二硫键可以重整。通过改变紫外线激活和ECD事件之间的时间延迟,可以确定二硫键在紫外线均解后10-100毫秒内重新形成。



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