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Computerized Writing and Reading Instruction for Students in Grades 4 to 9 With Specific Learning Disabilities Affecting Written Language




Computer scientists and educational researchers evaluated effectiveness of computerized instruction tailored to evidence-based impairments in specific learning disabilities (SLDs) in students in grades 4 to 9 with persisting SLDs despite prior extra help. Following comprehensive, evidence-based differential diagnosis for dysgraphia (impaired handwriting), dyslexia (impaired word reading and spelling), and oral and written language learning disability (OWL LD), students completed 18 sessions of computerized instruction over about 3 months. The 11 students taught letter formation with sequential, numbered, colored arrow cues with full contours who wrote letters on lines added to iPAD screen showed more and stronger treatment effects than the 21 students taught using only visual motion cues for letter formation who wrote on an unlined computer monitor. Teaching to all levels of language in multiple functional language systems (by ear, eye, mouth, and hand) close in time resulted in significant gains in reading and writing skills for the group and in diagnosed SLD hallmark impairments for individuals; also, performance on computerized learning activities correlated with treatment gains. Results are discussed in reference to need for both accommodations and explicit instruction for persisting SLDs and the potential for computers to teach handwriting, morphophonemic orthographies, comprehension, and composition.
机译:尽管有额外的帮助,但计算机科学家和教育研究人员评估了针对4至9年级,具有持续SLD的学生针对特殊学习障碍(SLD)的循证障碍量身定制的计算机教学的有效性。在对诵读困难(手写障碍),阅读障碍(阅读和拼写受损)以及口语和书面语言学习障碍(OWL LD)进行全面,循证的鉴别诊断后,学生在大约3个月的时间内完成了18堂计算机教学。与11名仅使用视觉运动提示进行字母形成的学生相比,这11名学生教给字母形成具有连续轮廓,编号,彩色轮廓的彩色箭头提示的轮廓,这些提示在iPAD屏幕上的行上写字母比显示21位仅使用视觉运动提示进行字母形成的学生具有更好的治疗效果。电脑显示器。及时在多种功能语言系统(耳朵,眼睛,嘴巴和手)中进行所有级别的语言教学,可以显着提高小组的读写技能,并为个人诊断出SLD标志障碍。同样,计算机学习活动的表现与治疗收益相关。讨论结果时要考虑到持久性SLD的适应性和明确指令的需求,以及计算机教授手写,形态音位正字法,理解和构成的潜力。



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