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Intranasal Delivery of Obidoxime to the Brain Prevents Mortality and CNS Damage from Organophosphate Poisoning




Intranasal delivery is an emerging method for bypassing the blood brain barrier (BBB) and targeting therapeutics to the CNS. Oximes are used to counteract the effects of organophosphate poisoning, but they do not readily cross the BBB. Therefore, they cannot effectively counteract the central neuropathologies caused by cholinergic over-activation when administered peripherally. For these reasons we examined intranasal administration of oximes in an animal model of severe organophosphate poisoning to determine their effectiveness in reducing mortality and seizure-induced neuronal degeneration. Using the paraoxon model of organophosphate poisoning, we administered the standard treatment (intramuscular pralidoxime plus atropine sulphate) to all animals and then compared the effectiveness of intranasal application of obidoxime (OBD) to saline in the control groups. Intranasally administered OBD was effective in partially reducing paraoxon-induced acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the brain and substantially reduced seizure severity and duration. Further, intranasal OBD completely prevented mortality, which was 41% in the animals given standard treatment plus intranasal saline. Fluoro-Jade-B staining revealed extensive neuronal degeneration in the surviving saline-treated animals 24 hours after paraoxon administration, whereas no detectable degenerating neurons were observed in any of the animals given intranasal OBD 30 min before or 5 min after paraoxon administration. These findings demonstrate that intranasally administered oximes bypass the BBB more effectively than those administered peripherally and provide an effective method for protecting the brain from organophosphates. The addition of intranasally administered oximes to the current treatment regimen for organophosphate poisoning would improve efficacy, reducing both brain damage and mortality.
机译:鼻内给药是一种新兴的方法,可绕过血脑屏障(BBB)并将治疗剂靶向中枢神经系统。肟用于抵消有机磷酸盐中毒的影响,但它们不易通过血脑屏障。因此,当外周给药时,它们不能有效地抵消由胆碱能过度活化引起的中枢神经病理学。由于这些原因,我们在严重的有机磷酸中毒的动物模型中检查了肟的鼻腔给药,以确定它们在降低死亡率和癫痫发作引起的神经元变性方面的有效性。使用有机磷中毒的对氧磷模型,我们对所有动物进行了标准治疗(肌内普拉多肟加硫酸阿托品),然后在对照组中比较了将obidoxime(OBD)鼻内应用到盐水中的有效性。鼻内施用的OBD可有效部分减少对氧磷诱导的脑内乙酰胆碱酯酶的抑制作用,并显着降低癫痫发作的严重程度和持续时间。此外,鼻内OBD完全防止了死亡率,在接受标准治疗加鼻内生理盐水的动物中,这一比例为41%。 Fluoro-Jade-B染色显示在对氧磷给药后24小时内,存活的经盐水处理的动物存在广泛的神经元变性,而在对氧磷给药前30min或给药后5min鼻内OBD的任何动物中均未观察到可检测到的退化神经元。这些发现表明,鼻内给药的肟比外周给药的肟更有效地绕过了血脑屏障,并提供了一种保护大脑免受有机磷酸盐影响的有效方法。在目前的有机磷酸盐中毒治疗方案中添加鼻内给药的肟会提高疗效,同时降低脑部损伤和死亡率。



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