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Child Odors and Parenting: A Survey Examination of the Role of Odor in Child-Rearing




Parental caregiving is critical for the survival of our young and continuation of our species. In humans, visual and auditory signals from offspring have been shown to be potent facilitators of parenting. However, whether odors emitted by our young also influence human parenting remains unclear. To explore this, we conducted a series of questionnaire surveys targeting parents with children under 6 years old. First, we collected episodes on experiencing odors/sniffing various parts of a child’s body (n = 507). The prevalence of experiencing events described in those episodes was examined in a separate survey (n = 384). Based on those results, the Child Odor in Parenting scale (COPs) was developed, and subsequently used in the main survey (n = 888). We found COPs to have adequate content validity, concurrent validity, and reliability. Responses to the COPs demonstrated that parents, especially mothers with infants, are aware of odors from their offspring, and actively seek them in daily child-rearing. The factor structure and content of the COPs items indicated that child odors have both affective and instrumental roles. Affective experiences induce loving feeling and affectionate sniffing, while instrumental experiences pertain to specific hygienic needs. The head was the most frequent source of affective experiences, and the child’s bottom of instrumental. Each was experienced by more than 90% of the mothers with a child below 1 year of age. Affective experiences significantly declined as the child grew older, possibly associated with the decline of physical proximity between parents and child. This age-related decline was not prominent for instrumental experiences, except for the bottom, which significantly declined after 3 years of age. The present findings suggest that child odors play roles in human parenting, and that their nature and significance change during the course of a child’s development.
机译:父母的照顾对于我们年轻的生存和物种的延续至关重要。在人类中,来自后代的视觉和听觉信号已被证明是育儿的有效促进者。但是,尚不清楚我们的年轻人散发出的气味是否也会影响人类的育儿。为了探索这一点,我们针对有6岁以下儿童的父母进行了一系列问卷调查。首先,我们收集了有关闻到气味/嗅探孩子身体各个部位的事件(n = 507)。在单独的调查中检查了这些事件中描述的经历事件的发生率(n = 384)。基于这些结果,制定了“育儿的儿童气味量表”(COPs),随后用于主要调查中(n = 888)。我们发现COP具有足够的内容有效性,并发有效性和可靠性。对缔约方大会的答复表明,父母,特别是有婴儿的母亲,意识到后代的气味,并在日常育儿中积极寻找它们。 COP项目的因子结构和含量表明,儿童气味既有情感作用,也有工具作用。情感体验会引起爱的感觉和深情的嗅探,而乐器体验则与特定的卫生需求有关。头部是最常见的情感体验来源,也是孩子的器乐体验底部。超过90%的母亲和1岁以下的孩子都经历过这种情况。随着孩子的长大,情感经历明显下降,这可能与父母与孩子之间的身体亲近感下降有关。与年龄相关的下降对于乐器演奏经验并不明显,除了底部(3岁后明显下降)。目前的发现表明,儿童气味在人为人父母的过程中发挥着作用,并且它们的性质和重要性在儿童成长过程中会发生变化。



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