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A SEMantic and EPisodic Memory Test (SEMEP) Developed within the Embodied Cognition Framework: Application to Normal Aging Alzheimers Disease and Semantic Dementia




Embodiment has highlighted the importance of sensory-motor components in cognition. Perception and memory are thus very tightly bound together, and episodic and semantic memories should rely on the same grounded memory traces. Reduced perception should then directly reduce the ability to encode and retrieve an episodic memory, as in normal aging. Multimodal integration deficits, as in Alzheimer's disease, should lead to more severe episodic memory impairment. The present study introduces a new memory test developed to take into account these assumptions. The SEMEP (SEMantic-Episodic) memory test proposes to assess conjointly semantic and episodic knowledge across multiple tasks: semantic matching, naming, free recall, and recognition. The performance of young adults is compared to healthy elderly adults (HE), patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), and patients with semantic dementia (SD). The results show specific patterns of performance between the groups. HE commit memory errors only for presented but not to be remembered items. AD patients present the worst episodic memory performance associated with intrusion errors (recall or recognition of items never presented). They were the only group to not benefit from a visual isolation (addition of a yellow background), a method known to increase the distinctiveness of the memory traces. Finally, SD patients suffer from the most severe semantic impairment. To conclude, confusion errors are common across all the elderly groups, whereas AD was the only group to exhibit regular intrusion errors and SD patients to show severe semantic impairment.
机译:实施例强调了感觉运动成分在认知中的重要性。因此,感知和记忆紧密地结合在一起,并且情节和语义记忆应该依赖于相同的接地记忆轨迹。然后,如正常衰老一样,知觉下降会直接降低编码和恢复情景记忆的能力。如在阿尔茨海默氏病中一样,多峰整合缺陷应导致更严重的情节性记忆障碍。本研究介绍了一种新的内存测试,它考虑到了这些假设。 SEMEP(SEMantic-Episodic)内存测试建议评估跨多个任务的联合语义和情节知识:语义匹配,命名,自由回忆和识别。将年轻人的表现与健康的老年人(HE),阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)和语义痴呆(SD)患者进行比较。结果显示了小组之间特定的绩效模式。他仅针对已呈现但不会被记住的项目提交内存错误。 AD患者表现出与入侵错误(召回或识别从未出现过的项目)相关的最糟糕的情节记忆表现。他们是唯一没有从视觉隔离(添加黄色背景)中受益的组,视觉隔离是一种已知的增加记忆痕迹独特性的方法。最后,SD患者遭受最严重的语义障碍。总而言之,混乱错误在所有老年人群中都很常见,而AD是唯一出现常规侵入性错误的人群,而SD患者则表现出严重的语义障碍。



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