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Flowering Time Gene Variation in Brassica Species Shows Evolutionary Principles




Flowering time genes have a strong influence on successful reproduction and life cycle adaptation. However, their regulation is highly complex and only well understood in diploid model systems. For crops with a polyploid background from the genus Brassica, data on flowering time gene variation are scarce, although indispensable for modern breeding techniques like marker-assisted breeding. We have deep-sequenced all paralogs of 35 Arabidopsis thaliana flowering regulators using Sequence Capture followed by Illumina sequencing in two selected accessions of the vegetable species Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea, respectively. Using these data, we were able to call SNPs, InDels and copy number variations (CNVs) for genes from the total flowering time network including central flowering regulators, but also genes from the vernalisation pathway, the photoperiod pathway, temperature regulation, the circadian clock and the downstream effectors. Comparing the results to a complementary data set from the allotetraploid species Brassica napus, we detected rearrangements in B. napus which probably occurred early after the allopolyploidisation event. Those data are both a valuable resource for flowering time research in those vegetable species, as well as a contribution to speciation genetics.
机译:开花时间基因对成功繁殖和生命周期适应有很大影响。但是,它们的调节非常复杂,只有在二倍体模型系统中才能很好地理解。对于具有芸苔属多倍体背景的农作物,开花时间基因变异的数据很少,尽管对于现代育种技术(如标记辅助育种)而言是必不可少的。我们分别对35个拟南芥开花调节剂的所有旁系同源物进行了序列测序,分别使用Sequence Capture和Illumina测序技术分别对两个甘蓝型油菜和甘蓝型油菜进行了选择。使用这些数据,我们能够为总开花时间网络(包括中央开花调节剂)中的基因,以及春化途径,光周期途径,温度调节,昼夜节律中的基因调用SNP,InDels和拷贝数变异(CNV)。和下游效应器。将结果与来自异源四倍体物种甘蓝型油菜的补充数据集进行比较,我们检测到了油菜双歧杆菌的重排,这很可能发生在同种多倍体化事件之后。这些数据既是这些蔬菜品种开花时间研究的宝贵资源,又是对物种遗传学的贡献。



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