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Pharmacist Based Antihypertensive Medication Review and Assignment of Morning versus Evening Dosing of Once Daily Antihypertensive Medications: A Pilot Study to Assess Feasibility and Efficacy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients




Evening dosing of antihypertensive medications lowers nighttime blood pressure and, in one large randomized trial, reduced risk for cardiovascular outcomes. However, feasibility of nighttime dosing in routine clinical practice is unknown. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of a brief pharmacist intervention to assign patients to take antihypertensive medications at specific times of the day. In this pilot, randomized controlled trial, 79 patients with moderate to severe CKD taking one or more antihypertensive medications once daily were randomized to take one once daily antihypertensive either in the morning or the evening. A total of 79 patients were randomized (39 to morning dosing, 40 to evening dosing). Average (SD) age was 56.5 (14) years, 68% were male, and average (SD) estimated glomerular filtration rate was 36.6 (8.9) mL/min/1.73m2. Adherence, defined as taking the once daily medication at the time indicated 6 or 7 times in the last 7 days and not taking it at any other time during the day, was 91% in the morning arm and 95% in the evening arm (P=0.57). This pilot demonstrates the feasibility and efficacy of a pharmacist-physician collaborative to assign one-daily antihypertensive medications to either morning or evening dosing.
机译:晚上服用降压药可以降低夜间血压,并且在一项大型随机试验中,降低了心血管结局的风险。然而,在常规临床实践中夜间给药的可行性尚不清楚。这项初步研究的目的是评估简短的药剂师干预措施的效果,以使患者在一天中的特定时间服用降压药。在该试验性随机对照试验中,将79名中度至重度CKD患者每天一次服用一种或多种降压药随机分配为每天早上或晚上服用一次降压药。共有79名患者被随机分组​​(39例为早晨用药,40例为夜间用药)。平均(SD)年龄为56.5(14)岁,男性为68%,估计的平均(SD)肾小球滤过率为36.6(8.9)mL / min / 1.73m 2 。依从性定义为:在过去7天中,每天服药一次为过去7天中的6或7次,而在一天中的其他时间不服药,则晨起者为91%,晚间为95%(P = 0.57)。该飞行员演示了由药剂师和医师合作将每天一次的降压药物分配给早晨或晚上给药的可行性和有效性。



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