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Collaborative Curriculum Design as a Framework for Designing Teacher Professional Development that Produces the Content Knowledge for Teaching the Life Sciences




Effective science teaching critically requires content focused professional development (PD), particularly in life sciences where content evolves rapidly. How subject matter knowledge related to teaching (SCK) is most effectively incorporated into PD has not been investigated. We studied how a professional learning community of high school teachers and scientists co-designing a bioscience curriculum produced the accompanying SCK-focused PD. SCK was level-specific but teachers could not generate it alone. Co-designing SCK with scientists was valuable to teachers, as evidenced by significant increases in their cognitive and attitudinal attributes toward the PD, in turn promoting change in practice and student learning gains, both within and outside the initial partnership. Surprisingly, social network analysis of how the collaborators interacted revealed that though the network was cognitively and effectively robust, it was behaviorally much sparser than anticipated for such a high functioning partnership, counter to commonly accepted PD best practices. We suggest that the scientist/educator facilitators who intentionally promoted collaboration in the context of distributed leadership were able to eliminate extraneous interactions, optimizing the process. The results are further evidence that developing content-focused PD relevant to 21st century life sciences requires dismantling the institutionalized segregation between practitioners of science and teaching.
机译:有效的科学教学迫切需要以内容为中心的专业发展(PD),尤其是在内容迅速发展的生命科学领域。尚未研究如何最有效地将与教学相关的主题知识(SCK)纳入PD。我们研究了由高中教师和科学家共同设计生物科学课程的专业学习社区如何产生伴随SCK的PD。 SCK是针对特定级别的,但教师无法单独生成它。与科学家共同设计SCK对教师来说很有价值,这可以从他们对PD的认知和态度属性的显着增加中得到证明,进而在最初的合作伙伴关系之内和之外促进实践的改变和学生的学习成果。令人惊讶的是,社交网络对协作者之间的互动方式的分析表明,尽管该网络在认知和有效方面都非常健壮,但在行为上却比这种高功能的伙伴关系要稀疏得多,这与公认的PD最佳做法背道而驰。我们建议在分布式领导下有意促进协作的科学家/教育者促进者应消除不必要的互动,从而优化流程。结果进一步证明,开发与21世纪生命科学相关的以内容为中心的PD需要打破科学与教学从业者之间的制度化隔离。



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