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From Oppression to Violence: The Role of Oppression Radicalism Identity and Cultural Intelligence in Violent Disinhibition




Violent radicalization and terrorism continue to pose social and security problems. Starting from the theoretical framework offered by the significance quest theory, the purpose of this research was to analyze the different roles that radical intentions play in the relationship between the loss of significance and violent disinhibition in Muslims and non-Muslims. For this reason, we carried out two studies: the first one with 133 Muslims and 126 non-Muslims, and the second with 98 Muslims and 167 non-Muslims. Specifically, we measured how perceived oppression influenced violent disinhibition through radical intentions. Secondly, we also measured the impact of identity and cultural intelligence in these relations. The main finding of the research was that there was an indirect effect of perceived oppression on violent disinhibition through radical intentions in the Muslim sample, whereas, in the non-Muslim sample, the effect of perceived oppression on violent disinhibition was not mediated by radical intentions. These results were replicated in both studies. Additionally, we found that identity and culture were factors that moderated the proposed relations. This work therefore shows that the conjunction of the loss of significance and radical intentions seems to strongly exacerbate the likelihood of a process of violent disinhibition for those who are considered to be in marginal contexts. Overall, different pathways and intervening factors are in the process of radicalizing Muslims and non-Muslims in Western societies.
机译:暴力激进化和恐怖主义继续构成社会和安全问题。从意义探索理论提供的理论框架出发,本研究的目的是分析激进意图在穆斯林和非穆斯林的意义丧失与暴力禁忌之间的关系中所起的不同作用。因此,我们进行了两项研究:第一项研究涉及133名穆斯林和126名非穆斯林,第二项研究涉及98名穆斯林和167名非穆斯林。具体来说,我们测量了感知的压迫如何通过激进的意图影响暴力禁制。其次,我们还测量了身份和文化智能在这些关系中的影响。该研究的主要发现是,在穆斯林样本中,感知的压迫通过激进的意图对暴力抑制的间接影响,而在非穆斯林样本中,感知的压迫对暴力抑制的抑制作用不是由激进的意图调节的。 。这些结果在两项研究中均得到了重复。此外,我们发现身份和文化是调节提议关系的因素。因此,这项工作表明,丧失重要性和激进意图的结合似乎极大地加剧了被认为处于边际背景下的人们暴力禁制的可能性。总体而言,西方社会穆斯林和非穆斯林激进化的过程中,途径和干预因素不同。



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