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Cryo-EM structures and dynamics of substrate-engaged human 26S proteasome




The proteasome is an ATP-dependent, 2.5-megadalton machine responsible for selective protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. Here we present cryo-EM structures of the substrate-engaged human proteasome in seven conformational states at 2.8-3.6 Å resolution, captured during breakdown of a polyubiquitylated protein. These structures visualize a continuum of dynamic substrate-proteasome interactions from ubiquitin recognition to substrate translocation, during which ATP hydrolysis sequentially navigates through all six ATPases. Three principal modes of coordinated hydrolysis are observed, featuring hydrolytic events in two oppositely positioned ATPases, in two adjacent ATPases, and in one ATPase at a time. These hydrolytic modes regulate deubiquitylation, translocation initiation and processive unfolding of substrates, respectively. ATP hydrolysis powers a hinge-like motion in each ATPase that regulates its substrate interaction. Synchronization of ATP binding, ADP release and ATP hydrolysis in three adjacent ATPases drives rigid-body rotations of substrate-bound ATPases that are propagated unidirectionally in the ATPase ring and unfold the substrate.
机译:蛋白酶体是依赖ATP的2.5兆达尔顿机器,负责真核细胞中选择性蛋白质的降解。在这里,我们介绍了在7.8-3.6Å分辨率下以七个构象状态与底物结合的人类蛋白酶体的冷冻电磁结构,该结构是在多泛素化蛋白分解过程中捕获的。这些结构可视化了从泛素识别到底物易位的动态底物-蛋白酶体相互作用的连续体,在此过程中,ATP水解依次穿过所有六个ATPase。观察到三种主要的协同水解模式,其特征是一次在两个相对定位的ATPase,两个相邻的ATPase和一个ATPase中发生水解事件。这些水解模式分别调节底物的去泛素化,易位起始和进行性展开。 ATP水解为每个ATPase中的铰链状运动提供动力,从而调节其底物相互作用。 ATP结合,ADP释放和ATP水解在三个相邻ATPase中的同步驱动底物结合的ATPase的刚体旋转,后者在ATPase环中单向传播并展开底物。



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