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Drought stress affects the protein and dietary fiber content of wholemeal wheat flour in wheat/Aegilops addition lines

机译:干旱胁迫影响小麦/ Aegilops添加品系中全麦面粉的蛋白质和膳食纤维含量



Wild relatives of wheat, such as Aegilops spp. are potential sources of genes conferring tolerance to drought stress. As drought stress affects seed composition, the main goal of the present study was to determine the effects of drought stress on the content and composition of the grain storage protein (gliadin (Gli), glutenin (Glu), unextractable polymeric proteins (UPP%) and dietary fiber (arabinoxylan, β-glucan) components of hexaploid bread wheat (T. aestivum) lines containing added chromosomes from Ae. biuncialis or Ae. geniculata. Both Aegilops parents have higher contents of protein and β-glucan and higher proportions of water-soluble arabinoxylans (determined as pentosans) than wheat when grown under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. In general, drought stress resulted in increased contents of protein and total pentosans in the addition lines, while the β-glucan content decreased in many of the addition lines. The differences found between the wheat/Aegilops addition lines and wheat parents under well-watered conditions were also manifested under drought stress conditions: Namely, elevated β-glucan content was found in addition lines containing chromosomes 5Ug, 7Ug and 7Mb, while chromosomes 1Ub and 1Mg affected the proportion of polymeric proteins (determined as Glu/Gli and UPP%, respectively) under both well-watered and drought stress conditions. Furthermore, the addition of chromosome 6Mg decreased the WE-pentosan content under both conditions. The grain composition of the Aegilops accessions was more stable under drought stress than that of wheat, and wheat lines with the added Aegilops chromosomes 2Mg and 5Mg also had more stable grain protein and pentosan contents. The negative effects of drought stress on both the physical and compositional properties of wheat were also reduced by the addition of these. These results suggest that the stability of the grain composition could be improved under drought stress conditions by the intraspecific hybridization of wheat with its wild relatives.
机译:小麦的野生近缘种,例如Aegilops spp。是赋予耐旱性的基因的潜在来源。由于干旱胁迫影响种子组成,因此本研究的主要目的是确定干旱胁迫对谷物贮藏蛋白(麦醇溶蛋白(Gli),谷蛋白(Glu),不可提取的聚合蛋白(UPP%))的含量和组成的影响。六倍体面包小麦(T. aestivum)系的膳食和膳食纤维(阿拉伯木聚糖,β-葡聚糖)成分,添加了来自双歧双歧杆菌或genic形ae。的染色体,两个埃及伊蚊的亲本蛋白质和β-葡聚糖含量较高,水的比例较高在水分充足和干旱胁迫条件下生长时,可溶性可溶性阿拉伯木聚糖(称为戊聚糖)要比小麦高;一般而言,干旱胁迫导致添加系中蛋白质和总戊聚糖含量增加,而许多植物中β-葡聚糖含量降低在干旱条件下,小麦/ Aegilops附加系与亲本在小麦品种上的发现也表现出差异:Namel y,在含有5U g ,7U g 和7M b 染色体的附加品系中发现β-葡聚糖含量升高,而1U 染色体b 和1M g 在水分充足和干旱胁迫条件下均影响聚合物蛋白质的比例(分别确定为Glu / Gli和UPP%)。此外,在两种条件下,添加6M g 染色体均会降低WE-戊聚糖的含量。干旱胁迫下埃及伊蚊的籽粒组成比小麦更稳定,添加了埃及伊蚊的2M g 和5M g 染色体的小麦品系也更稳定。蛋白质和戊聚糖含量。通过添加这些物质,干旱胁迫对小麦物理和组成特性的负面影响也减少了。这些结果表明,通过小麦与其野生近缘种的种内杂交,可以在干旱胁迫条件下提高谷物组成的稳定性。



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