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Procedure of brewing alcohol as a staple food: case study of the fermented cereal liquor Parshot as a staple food in Dirashe special woreda southern Ethiopia

机译:酿造酒精作为主食的程序:埃塞俄比亚南部Dirashe Special Woreda作为主食的发酵谷物酒 Parshot的案例研究



For most brews, alcohol fermentation and lactic fermentation take place simultaneously during the brewing process, and alcohol fermentation can progress smoothly because the propagation of various microorganisms is prevented by lactic fermentation. It is not necessary to cause lactic fermentation with a thing generated naturally and intentionally. The people living in the Dirashe area in southern Ethiopia drink three types of alcoholic beverages that are prepared from cereals. From these alcoholic beverages, parshot is prepared by the addition of plant leaves for lactic fermentation and nech chaka by adding cereal powder for lactic fermentation before alcohol fermentation. People living in the Dirashe area partake of parshot as part of their staple diet. The brewing process used for parshot and a food culture with alcoholic beverages as parts of the staple diet are rare worldwide. This article discusses the significance of using lactic fermentation before alcoholic fermentation and focuses on lactic fermentation in the brewing methods used for the three kinds of alcoholic beverages consumed in the Dirashe area. We initially observed the brewing process and obtained information about the process from the people in that area. Next, we determined the pH and analyzed the lactic acid (g/100 g) and ethanol (g/100 g) content during lactic fermentation of parshot and nech chaka; the ethyl acetate (mg/100 g) and volatile base nitrogen (mg/100 g) content during this period was also analyzed. In addition, we compared the ethanol (g/100 g) content of all three kinds of alcoholic beverages after completion of brewing. The results showed that it was possible to consume large quantities of these alcoholic beverages because of the use of lactic fermentation before alcoholic fermentation, which improved the safety and preservation characteristics of the beverages by preventing the propagation of various microorganisms, improving flavor, and controlling the alcohol level.
机译:对于大多数酿造而言,在酿造过程中酒精发酵和乳酸发酵同时进行,并且酒精发酵可以顺利进行,因为乳酸发酵可以阻止各种微生物的繁殖。乳酸发酵不需要自然而有意产生。居住在埃塞俄比亚南部Dirashe地区的人们喝用谷物制成的三种酒精饮料。从这些酒精饮料中,通过添加用于乳酸发酵的植物叶子和通过在酒精发酵之前添加谷物粉以进行乳酸发酵的白花prepared来制备par。居住在Dirashe地区的人们作为主要饮食的一部分参加了快照。在世界范围内,稀少的用于以酒精饮料作为主食的一部分来进行鱼苗和饮食文化的酿造工艺十分罕见。本文讨论了在酒精发酵之前使用乳酸发酵的重要性,并着重讨论了Dirashe地区消费的三种酒精饮料所使用的酿造方法中的乳酸发酵。我们最初观察了酿造过程,并从该地区的人们那里获得了有关酿造过程的信息。接下来,我们确定了pH值并分析了par鱼和ne的乳酸发酵过程中乳酸(g / 100 g)和乙醇(g / 100 g)的含量;还分析了此期间的乙酸乙酯(mg / 100 g)和挥发性碱氮(mg / 100 g)含量。此外,我们比较了冲泡完成后所有三种酒精饮料的乙醇含量(g / 100 g)。结果表明,由于在酒精发酵之前进行乳酸发酵,因此有可能消耗大量这些酒精饮料,从而通过防止各种微生物的繁殖,改善风味和控制饮料的使用来提高饮料的安全性和保存特性。酒精度。



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