首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Korean Medical Science >A Study of Core Humanistic Competency for Developing Humanism Education for Medical Students

A Study of Core Humanistic Competency for Developing Humanism Education for Medical Students




The authors conducted a survey on essential humanistic competency that medical students should have, and on teaching methods that will effectively develop such attributes. The participants consisted of 154 medical school professors, 589 medical students at Seoul National University College of Medicine, 228 parents, and 161 medical school and university hospital staff. They answered nine questions that the authors created. According to the results, all groups chose "morality and a sense of ethics," a "sense of accountability," "communication skills," and "empathic ability" were selected as essential qualities. According to the evaluation on the extent to which students possess each quality, participants believed students had a high "sense of accountability" and "morality," whereas they thought students had low "empathic ability," "communicate," or "collaborate with others". In terms of effective teaching methods, all sub-groups preferred extracurricular activities including small group activities, debates, and volunteer services. With regard to the speculated effect of humanism education and the awareness of the need for colleges to offer it, all sub-groups had a positive response. However the professors and students expressed a relatively passive stance on introducing humanism education as a credited course. Most participants responded that they preferred a grading method based on their rate of participation, not a relative evaluation. In order to reap more comprehensive and lasting effects of humanism education courses in medical school, it is necessary to conduct faculty training, and continuously strive to develop new teaching methods.
机译:作者对医学生应具备的基本人文能力以及有效开发此类属性的教学方法进行了调查。参与者包括154名医学院教授,​​首尔国立大学医学院的589名医学生,228名父母以及161名医学院和大学医院的工作人员。他们回答了作者提出的九个问题。根据调查结果,所有小组均选择“道德和道德感”,并选择“问责感”,“沟通技巧”和“移情能力”作为基本素质。根据对学生各项素质的评价,参与者认为学生的“责任感”和“道德”高,而他们认为学生的“同理心”,“交流”或“与他人合作”低。 ”。在有效的教学方法方面,所有小组都喜欢课外活动,包括小组活动,辩论和志愿者服务。关于人文主义教育的预期效果以及人们对大学提供这种教育的认识,所有小组均作出了积极回应。但是,教授和学生在将人文教育作为一门必修课时表达了相对消极的态度。大多数参与者回答说,他们倾向于基于参与率而不是相对评估的分级方法。为了使医学院的人文教育课程获得更全面,更持久的效果,有必要进行师资培训,并不断努力开发新的教学方法。



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