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Identification of a Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1 Recognition Motif in the Apolipoprotein E Variant APOE4 linked to Alzheimer’s Disease




Alzheimer’s disease affects tens of millions of people worldwide and its prevalence continues to rise. It is caused by a combination of a subject’s heredity, environment, lifestyle, and medical condition. The most significant genetic risk factor for late onset Alzheimer’s disease is a variant of the apolipoprotein E gene, APOE4. Here we show that the single nucleotide polymorphism rs429358 that defines APOE4 is located in a short sequence motif repeated several times within exon 4 of apolipoprotein E, reminiscent of the structure of transcriptional enhancers. A JASPAR database search predicts that the T to C transition in rs429358 generates a binding motif for nuclear respiratory factor NRF1. This site appears to be part of a binding site cluster for this transcription factor on exon 4 of APOE. This de novo NRF1 binding site has therefore the potential to affect the expression of multiple genes in its genomic vicinity. Our in silico analysis, suggesting a novel function for APOE4 at the DNA level, offers a potential mechanism for the observed tissue specific neurodegeneration and the role of environmental factors in Alzheimer’s disease etiology.
机译:阿尔茨海默氏病在全球影响着数千万人,其患病率持续上升。这是由受试者的遗传,环境,生活方式和医疗状况共同导致的。晚期阿尔茨海默氏病最重要的遗传风险因素是载脂蛋白E基因APOE4的变体。在这里,我们显示了定义APOE4的单核苷酸多态性rs429358位于载脂蛋白E外显子4内多次重复的短序列基序中,让人联想到转录增强子的结构。 JASPAR数据库搜索预测rs429358中的T到C过渡会产生核呼吸因子NRF1的结合基序。该位点似乎是APOE外显子4上该转录因子结合位点簇的一部分。因此,该从头NRF1结合位点可能会影响其基因组附近的多个基因的表达。我们的计算机分析表明,在DNA水平上APOE4具有新功能,这为观察到的组织特异性神经变性和环境因素在阿尔茨海默氏病病因学中的作用提供了潜在的机制。



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